Rogue One: A Star Wars Story tells the tale of the rag-tag band of heroes that stole the Death Star Plans and delivered them to the Rebellion. Easily regarded as the best offering of the Disney Star Wars era thus far, Rogue One introduced us to a slew of new characters…. But the film summarily took them away from us, too. All perished in altruistic self-sacrifice by the film’s end. That tragedy affected not only the fans, but the actors as well. That’s why Diego Luna is so excited for the upcoming Cassian Andor series on Disney+.

Last year Disney announced that Luna would return for a new Cassian Andor series on its streaming service Disney+. The service debuts this November, with the Star Wars spy serial thriller to follow sometime in 2020. Luna recently spoke to SyFy Wire and expressed his excitement for the new, television adventure.
Diego Luna excited for Cassian Andor series
One of the highlights of Rogue One was the dynamic between Cassian and his reprogrammed Imperial security droid, K-2SO. (“K” was, of course, played to perfection by the incredible Alan Tudyk.) Luna is elated to be revisiting his relationship with Tudyk. After all, a scene in which Tudyk improvised a slap to Luna’s face had the actor laughing to the point he had to cover his mouth. Notwithstanding, you can still see Luna’s reaction in the film. That chemistry is sure to continue in the Cassian Andor series.
“That dynamic with Alan was so special,” said Luna, “and it’s going to be fun to keep playing.”

Another great aspect of the Cassian Andor series for Luna is the ability to further explore the characters we barely got to meet in Rogue One. According to the actor, a television series is the perfect vehicle through which fans can learn more about the Rebel spy he portrays:
[TV is] where you have time to develop, to see characters and do stuff that film won’t allow us. And, I think the proximity, sometimes, with the audience becomes so much more profound; the connection.”
We hear at That Hashtag Show are looking forward to the Cassian Andor series, and more from the spy and snarky droid sidekick. How about you?