Could we be getting a Solo 2? Fans all over the Star Wars galaxy have been trying to make their voice heard about getting a new Solo movie since May when they started the movement #MakeSolo2Happen. Well, with an IMDb tweet on July 7th, they received a response that got some Solo fans thinking, and maybe even a little excited.
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Could it be Solo 2?
IMDb tweeted on July 7th asking their followers about their favorite “I did not see that coming” moment in the movies. Well there was one response by Chewbacca actor Joonas Suotamo that fans of Solo: A Star Wars Story noticed very quickly. Suotamo responded to the tweet with:
“All of my next movie, but shhh. #keepthemontheirtoes”
Keep them on their toes
Now does this tweet mean there maybe a new Solo movie in the works? Could he be talking about STAR WARS: The Rise of Skywalker? Or, could it be another project he is working on? Of course, right now we don’t have the answer. Nevertheless, it will sure be fun to see if there is more coming from that tweet. And also remember, there has been no official announcement from Disney on a Solo 2 movie. So, until they say something this is all speculations and rumors.

Solo 2 the movie we need
If you were like me, you were also a huge fan of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Unfortunately, Solo got stuck in the backlash of bad marketing, bad timing, and The Last Jedi. The good thing was that, after things settled down, fans gave Solo a chance and more and more love it.

I mean how cool would it be to continue the story of a young Han Solo and Chewbacca and their involvement with Jabba the Hutt? Also, you cannot tell me you don’t want to see more Maul. The ending of Solo left me and others wanting more. So, Disney, if you are reading this, I will jump on the movement as well: #MakeSolo2Happen.
We want to hear from you
Again, remember nothing has been confirmed yet. This was just a simple Tweet that Solo fans like myself want to mean more. And yes, I know Disney said that Star Wars was going to take a break, but who knows what can happen in the Star Wars Future.

Would you want a new Solo movie? What are your thoughts on how the Solo story continue? Well we want to hear from you. You can do that by hitting us up on Twitter @thathashtagshow and myself @starwarsnerd574. You can also comment from this article as well. Also make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at I can’t wait to see you all next year at STAR WARS Celebration.