Biggest Star Wars Controversies: Jar Jar Binks

Unfortunately we could write an entire list about the biggest Star Wars controversies of the prequel trilogy. Notwithstanding, the biggest offender was the character of Jar Jar Binks. Lucas added the character for comic relief (that universally fell flat) and to appeal to new, younger viewers. To this day Jar Jar Binks remains one of, if not the most, hated characters in all of Star Wars. George Lucas may say Jar Jar is his favorite, but such a claim screams of justification and outright trolling of fans with whom Lucas disagreed.
Kathleen Kennedy and Social Justice

Fast forward: Disney takes over Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy becomes its president. The first of her biggest Star Wars controversies arises off camera. A vocal minority of “fans” decry Kennedy and what they perceive as her social justice campaign within the franchise. They site to Rey, calling her a Mary Sue and Kennedy’s effort to emasculate the franchise, for starters. Rightly or wrongly, this continues to be one of the biggest Star Wars controversies currently.
Kennedy Again – Solo: A Star Wars Story

First, let me say that I enjoyed Solo, and felt that it didn’t deserve the “poor” box office showing it received. The reason this makes the list of biggest Star Wars controversies is because of the behind-the-scenes issues with the film. It began with a poor choice of directors. Then there was the complete mismanagement of the film’s marketing and scheduling. Lastly, this was a film no one really wanted. Consequently, Solo sits centered at one of the biggest Star Wars controversies ever.
And lastly…
Biggest Star Wars Controversies: Rian Johnson and The Last Jedi

At this point, this one really needs no explanation. The Last Jedi, and its director Rian Johnson, are swimming in controversy. Subverted expectations, bland and seemingly useless characters, and generally poor writing easily place this on the list of the biggest Star Wars controversies ever to affect the franchise. Is the biggest? I suppose history will decide.
Are there others events you’d add to the list off biggest Star Wars controversies? Or do you disagree with any of these? Let us know in the comments!
ESB wasn’t controversial
It most certainly was… Do your research.
Not to the extent that you think RJ. In fact, there are multitudes upon multitudes of critics praising ESB as well as fans writing about how much they love ESB. Maybe you should do your research. The whole ESB argument is a weak justification to prop up TLJ.
ESB was hated by alot of critics when it was released.
Also, to the author, please backup your claim of poor writing in TLJ. That’s quite a claim to make with no examples.
Running out of gas, pointless sub plots, Leia Poppins, turning everything into a joke even in the most serious situations…..poor writing
TLJ was plagued with bad writing, Mauler did a very extensive video describing just how bad it was. TLJ is a movie that only made it to the big screen because the director is a friend of KK, had it been presented in a college writing class, the teach would have thrown it out for breaking basic rules of writing.