Last week we provided you an Uncharted exclusive in which we were able to reveal the short list for Nathan Drake’s in-game mentor, Victor “Sully” Sullivan. Starring Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, Uncharted will serve as the character’s origin story and is rumored to be loosely based on the first gaming adventure of the series, Drake’s Fortune.
Sully, of course, is instrumental in helping to form the Nate Drake character we’ve all come to love. And while the Sully short list is impressive (Chris Pine, Chris Hemsworth, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson), there’s really only one choice for Sully. That’s right: Bruce Campbell.

As we told you in the exclusive, Sully is described as “[r]ugged and handsome, equal parts refinement and contagious charm, Sully is the kind of guy who turns heads when he walks into the room. Sully is a highly skilled career criminal – he knows how to read a room quickly and impressively, and nothing gets past him.” The Uncharted studio character description goes on to say that ” Sully has a fun banter with Nate, and though at moments he feels like a father figure to him, in truth he is self-interested above all else.”
Bruce Campbell is the Perfect Sully
Bruce Campbell already perfectly fits the Uncharted film description of Sully. It almost feels as if he’s played the character before…. because he basically has. “Handsome with a good-natured grin, Sam… is a former Navy Seal, Military Intel Operative, and all-around Cold Warrior. In his prime he was point man on an array of armed conflicts the world over.” That is the description of Sam Axe, Campbell’s character on USA Network’s Burn Notice.

The Sam Axe character is almost a mirror image of Uncharted’s Sully, to the point that Campbell would need little work to get into character. Likewise, Campbell has the perfect aesthetic to portray Nathan Drake’s mentor and partner in crime. The only drawback, and a minor one at that, is Campbell’s age. At 60, he’s obviously older than the desired age range of 40-49. But has age ever stopped Hollywood from casting the perfect actor for a role, really?
If you’re listening, Sony-Columbia, make this happen. There is no other Sully.