Ben Affleck was recently on Jimmy Kimmel Live and confirmed he is not playing Batman in the Matt Reeves The Batman movie. There it’s done. Well sort of. While promoting his new Netflix Original Movie Triple Frontier, Jimmy Kimmel hung the famed Batman cowl, with Tom Brady’s number 12 and the name BATMAN emblazened on the back of the cape, up in rafters of the Hollywoof Masonic Temple. Home to Jimmy Kimmel Live. At the end of the interview he looks into the camera and declares he is not Batman.

Is this the end of this Caped Crusader? Most people will say yes. The decision to go with a younger Bruce Wayne and ultimately a younger Batman seems like a bad move for DCEU. Especially if Henry Cavill ends up leaving the role of Superman as well too. It wold just look odd to have Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and Jason Mamoa (Aquaman) on screen in a Justice League, after having both Affleck and Cavill on screen with them. I for one still think he will be back. He never once said he is retiring as Batman. He just couldn’t “crack it” for what he wanted to do with the stand alone film and decided to pass the torch.

What do you guys think? Is there some merit to him not actually saying he is retiring as Batman and he might return later? Or do you think he is never again going to portray the Caped Crusader again?