Universal Championship Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins

This match started off similarly to many Brock Lesnar matches. With his opponent reversing some of Brock’s normal moves and going on the attack. Seth took the fight to Brock. Superkicks, a Curb Stomp, but Brock kicks out at “2”. Brock went on the attack with German suplexes but Seth flipped out of one to reverse it. Brock goes crazy and grabs Seth by the medical tape around his ribs. He starts swinging him like a toy around the ring until he slams him down. Three German suplexes later and Brock is in command.
Seth sent Brock into the ring post on the outside to give him some time to breath. Rollins goes on the offensive with three suicide dives to stun Lesnar. Lesnar clears the announcers table to drive Seth through it. Seth leaps off the top rope into Brock on the table to the delight of the crowd.
Back in the ring, Seth hits Brock with another Curb Stomp for a long “2” count. Brock is weakened. After trying one more time for the Stomp, Lesnar catches him and goes for the F5. Rollins counters and drops him with the Curb Stomp one last time for the pinfall victory.
Rollins wins the Universal Championship via pinfall.
Grade: A+
This was looking like it was going to be the formulaic Brock match that we’ve seen so many times over the past four years. Brock gets rocked early but seizes control, German suplex, F5, pinfall. But this broke that trend by actually being a match that showed the cunning and tenacity of Seth Rollins. There was no frills or trickery to win here. He was Brock’s equal. It erases the bad job that WWE did with building this match up. It erases the sub par match at Mania. And it shows that Brock can be beaten by someone without spamming their finisher. Seth Rollins goes forward as the ambassador of WWE in the fight against AEW. Brock can be a special attraction for pay-per-view events now that he always should have been. This was the perfect ending to the best pay-per-view show that WWE has ran this year.