Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Bayley vs. Ember Moon

This match was one that had a weird buildup that didn’t really have face or heel among the competitors. Bayley is obviously always going to be the face in most matches. But Ember Moon is also a fan favorite for her in-ring work. Toronto greeted Bayley with boos. So that answered the questions I was having. The problem with WWE and certain matches that have no buildup is that they need something big for fans to buy in and care. This match didn’t have that. It wasn’t necessarily a bad match but it didn’t have any investment.
Ember started off the match dominating the action. Bayley would be countered at every point in the opening of this match. The move sets in the match were reflective of Bayley being the heel. Moon hit a cool huricanrana into a double knees to get a long “2” from the ref. Bayley quickly thereafter hits a belly to belly off the second rope to win.
Bayley retains via pinfall over Ember Moon.
Grade: C
This wasn’t a bad match by any stretch of the imagination. It just felt like it was the match on the card that didn’t have much thought or love put into it from creative. The performers obviously gave their all. The crowd wasn’t into it as much as the Raw Women’s Title match. Hopefully they give Bayley some new edge or a storyline she can really sink into.