Stanley is here to inform you that he will be getting an even bigger video game adventure in the form of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. He isn’t sure how it happened, but he hopes that someone will let him out of his office soon. His coffee mug has been empty for quite some time, you see, and he wants a refill. To learn more, Stanley recommends that you check out the new trailer below:
Stanley Heard the News of His Impending Re-Remake, and Was Quite Excited About It
Stanley is informing you that Crows Crows Crows (yes, that is actually the developer’s official name) is proud to not only unveil The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe with this new trailer on YouTube, but also when we’ll get to see him back in action. Apparently, we’ll get to see Stanley defy the Narrator (or perhaps not) on April 27, 2022. Yes, you read that right. Crows Crows Crows plan to let Employee Number 427 out of his office on 4/27. Stanley is fairly certain this is not a coincidence.
Stanley is also informing you that The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe has its own website now. They even have a newsletter you can sign up for on the website. If you want to learn more about the game, then Stanley recommends that you head on over to that website for more info. As an alternative, Stanley also recommends that you might want to wishlist the game on Steam if you want a reminder for when it finally launches.
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe ~ Details

Stanley struggles to explain his own game. Mostly because he feels as he’s not in complete control when he’s in it. He almost feels as if someone was talking to him in his own mind through an omnipresent narrator voice, and that someone was controlling all of his actions remotely. Of course, this can’t be the case in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, Stanley reasons. It would be unimaginable for that to happen twice in a row in a game, could it? That is until Stanley saw the official synopsis from Crows Crows Crows about the game below:
“The Stanley Parable is a first person adventure game. When a simple-minded individual named Stanley discovers that the co-workers in his office have mysteriously vanished, he sets off to find answers. You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will make a choice, and you will have your choices taken from you. The game will end, the game will never end. Contradiction follows contradiction, the rules of how games should work are broken, then broken again. You are not here to win. The Stanley Parable is a game that plays you.”
Stanley already has trepidations about The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. Yet, he also feels a sense of excitement and anticipation of his return. Stanley finds that he is actually eager for April to roll around. Perhaps you might be too.
Source: Crows Crows Crows YouTube, Stanley Parable, Steam