Grand Theft Auto Online that released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 back in October 2013 is now coming towards an end. It has been reported by Rockstar Games that they will be ending this service on December 16th, 2021. Again, this is for the last gen systems on PS3 and Xbox 360.

Grand Theft Auto Online will not be the only service they are doing away with. Rockstar Games also announced that Shark Cash Cards won’t be sold after September 13th, 2021, for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. GTA was not the only game affected by service shutdowns, Max Payne 3 and L.A. will be getting the ax as well.
“Additionally, website stat tracking via the Rockstar Games Social Club and other features for select PS3 and Xbox 360 titles will be shutting down on September 16, 2021. These include:
- Website stat tracking, online multiplayer, and leaderboards for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Max Payne 3
- Website stat tracking for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of L.A. Noire”
No direct impact on access or progress in Story Mode for any of these titles on either platform.
As the saying goes, “all good things must come towards an end”. The studio said it will move forward with the current generation of systems for GTA Online. What are your thoughts on the shutdown of these services? You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
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Source: Rockstar Games