Have you ever wondered just how the PS5 was doing in regards to sales? Well, as it turns out:
Mat Piscatella of The NPD Group recently revealed in a Tweet that the PlayStation 5 is the fastest selling video game console in US history. Unfortunately, we don’t get any exact figures from him. We don’t get any numbers for how many PS5s were sold, nor do we get the total monetary value of those sales. All we know is that despite being on the market for only about 5 months, the PS5 is the best-selling console in terms of hardware dollar sales.

Keep in mind that this fact only applies to US sales. As of now, we still don’t know how the PS5 is doing overseas. Perhaps later, Mr. Piscatella can enlighten us of this.
And the Winner is: Not the PS5!?

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), in the same series of Tweets, Mat Piscatella also informs us that the Nintendo Switch is the best-selling console of March 2021. Again, we don’t get any numbers on number of consoles sold or monetary values. All we know is that despite being released on March 3, 2017; the Nintendo Switch still shows that it’s the king of the consoles.

And why not? The Nintendo Switch’s unique hybrid handheld/home console format gives it so much flexibility. Whether you’re playing at home or on the go, the Switch can do both roles pretty well. Add in some great games like the above The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and you’ve got yourself a winning console that beats even the mighty PS5. Looks like you’ve got some work to do before you can take on Nintendo, Sony.
The PS5 is the fastest-selling console in the US over the course of its so far 5 month life. However, it still loses to the Nintendo Switch in March 2021 sales. There’s a reason why the Switch is so hard to find these days. Maybe we should all switch to Switch instead?
Source: Twitter
I play my Nintendo Switch constantly while my ps5 collects dust! Don’t understand the hype with the ps5?