Capcom showed off a good bit of the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds at gamescom 2024. It might not release in 2024, but they had a solid section of the game available for play. We got the chance to sit down with the game for about 45 minutes and play through two different quests in the game. Here’s what we learned about the game.
Don’t Fret, There’s Still Plenty Of Monsters

First off, the starting quest was near the beginning of the game. You get to customize your character and Calico like in previous games. This time, you’re on a quest to cull monsters threatening populations. However, you find a mysterious group of people, including two kids, on the way. The first quest saw plenty of action riding new monsters that helped players get around the map faster than before. The monster for this quest was a frog/toad/armadillo hybrid, the Chatacabra, that trapped one of the two kids in the game. it was a hell of a fight, but some new features, like calling in teammates and the action combat, made this early fight feel special.
If you’re into Monster Hunter combat, you’ll feel right at home. There were tons of weapons available, enabling plenty of playstyles for players. The quest ended after about 15 minutes, and then we went on to the much larger and more expansive look at the game with the second quest.
Tremors-Looking Monsters, Throwing Dung, And A Bear
The second quest was much more straightforward. It was to find this alpha monster, the Doshaguma, and eliminate it. The issue, though, is that a pack flanks the beast. The pack consists of smaller, less punishing monsters, but they can still mess you up if you go into it full bore. The key is getting the alpha away from the pack. This version of hunting was pretty interesting because they showed us how to do it in the game by throwing dung at them. The monsters spread off in different directions, but you also have to hope that the alpha doesn’t go in the same direction as the others. Once the bear monster was separated, it was a full-on battle to take it down.
During this battle, I made good use of the feature to call in your teammates to help you. It was a frenetic-paced hunt that finally took the monster down, with a lightning storm raging in the sky. It’s safe to say that Monster Hunter Wilds is full of epic moments like this.
After the battle was over, I got to take a stroll around the map and see what the locales looked like. Even though the game isn’t due out until next year, Monster Hunter Wilds looked absolutely exquisite running on the PlayStation 5. I thoroughly enjoyed the time with the game. Let’s hope they can make it even bigger and better by the time it comes out next year.
Monster Hunter Wilds releases on PS5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam in 2025.
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