As it turns out, Dave Bautista thinks there are more important things in life than money. Like a Gears of War film.
In a recent interview with Collider, for something completely unrelated, actor Dave Bautista let slip something interesting. Apparently, he had once been in a meeting with Universal about a role in a Fast & Furious film. However, Bautista was having none of that. All he wanted to do was talk “Marcus Fenix”. Yes, you heard that right. Bautista wanted to talk about the main character from the Gears of War games.
Specifically, Dave Bautista’s exact words on the subject of Gears of War were:
I had a chance to get a meeting at WB, they were talking to me about this and that and I said ‘hey, let’s talk about Bane.’ That happened to me one other time in my career. They wanted to talk to me about Fast and the Furious, and I said ‘I’m not interested, let’s talk about Marcus Fenix’…
Gears of War: Starring Dave Bautista?

It’s really unfortunately that Dave Bautista reported that Universal was ultimately turned off by his remark and left it at that. If Universal had listened, we might’ve finally seen the production of an actual Gears of War film. You know, the one people have been tossing around for the past, ooh, I don’t know…14 years?
Perhaps one of these days, Dave Bautista might spearhead the production of an actual Gears of War film himself? Well, unfortunately, that seems unlikely as well. Yes, he might have the funds to fund the film himself. However, he has no directing experience. He has only ever acted in films, not directed them. The odds of him actually making a good Gears of War film are…unlikely, to say the least. A pity.
Dave Bautista had once turned down a role in a Fast & Furious film to try and pitch a Gears of War film. Ultimately though, nothing came of it, and it was a fruitless endeavor by Bautista. We’ll just have to hope that someone in the future takes up the COG banner and actually begins making a GoW film.
Source: Collider