Despite all the things wrong with Cyberpunk 2077, the game remains one of the best-selling games of all time. Especially in the digital world.

Superdata recently posted a report officially saying that Cyberpunk 2077 “had the biggest game launch of all time based on digital revenue and digital units sold”. Their final figure was that the game sold 10.2 million units overall. Although, you should note that this report is as of December 2020. More units could’ve been sold in the meantime. They also note that this figure includes refunded copies. However, they didn’t substantially affect the game’s aggregate sales.
Superdata then went on to explain about Cyberpunk 2077:
A successful marketing campaign and the reputation of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt provided the hype necessary for the CD Projekt Red title to break records despite issues including performance problems on consoles, widespread glitches and the indefinite removal of the game from the PlayStation Store. An extremely high share of digital sales (80%) were on PC, likely due to the delisting on PlayStation and overall state of the console versions. Regardless of the short-term financial success, the critical backlash means the developer will now have to invest significant resources fixing the game in order to rehabilitate its image before the launch of its next title.
Cyberpunk 2077: Still Functioning as Planned

It probably speaks to just how good Cyberpunk 2077 is that the sales are still so strong. With its combination of great gameplay and story, it’s really one of the best games ever if you can play it. Even though all the sales are now more or less only on the PC, that fact should tell you about the game’s quality. Even as the lack of it caused it to be pulled from the PlayStation Store.

If CD Projekt Red had taken the time to develop the console versions some more, we could’ve seen even higher sales figures. As it is, they’re facing some very well-deserved backlash for releasing Cyberpunk 2077 in such an obviously unfinished state on the consoles. I do sincerely hope that when they eventually do release the game back on the consoles, it’d better be as good as the PC version. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice…
Despite the negative reviews on consoles, the high quality and massive hype of Cyberpunk 2077 on the PC caused it to blow away digital sales figures. It is, in fact, the best-selling game ever in regards to digital sales only. Now all CD Projekt Red has to do is make up for the console releases, and they’re all set. Maybe.
Source: Superdata