After months (and months) of waiting, we finally have a trailer for “Revolution of the Daleks.”
This year’s Doctor Who holiday special finds Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor imprisoned off-world while her companions deal with Daleks on Earth.
Oh, and Captain Jack Harkness is back.
Check out the official trailer below:
The series 12 finale split up the Doctor and her companions. Ryan, Graham, and Yaz safely arrived back on Earth. Unfortunately, the Doctor herself was unable to join them – as she’d been picked up by the Judoon and sent to space prison for crimes unknown.
“Revolution of the Daleks” will pick up the story from there. During New York Comic Con, Mandip Gill (Yaz) said the holiday special would see Team Tardis trying to face off with a Dalek without the Doctor’s help.
Based on the trailer, it looks like humans are trying to weaponize Dalek technology (Daleks themselves?) to use on Earth. (What could go wrong, right?) We see very little of the Doctor herself, so details about her prison stint are still under wraps. The trailer does give the impression Captain Jack will help Ryan, Graham, and Yaz deal with the Daleks on Earth.

The Thirteenth Doctor’s last holiday special aired on New Year’s Day, though all previous Doctor Who end-of-year specials debuted on Christmas Day. This year, the special continues the New Year’s tradition.
“Revolution of the Daleks” airs January 1, 2021 on BBC America.
(Hopefully, it will be a good one, since it’s the only Doctor Who content we’ll be getting for a while.)
So, are you excited to see Thirteen and the fam return? How about the Daleks and Captain Jack? Drop your fan theories in the comments.