Earlier this year Netflix gave us two Dark Horse Comics adaptations, the movie Polar and the series The Umbrella Academy. While Polar didn’t do well critically, The Umbrella Academy saw much better ratings. Despite that Netflix must have been happy. The announcement came via Twitter that they were entering a first look deal with Dark Horse Entertainment.
This will open the door for adaptations of some of the company’s most iconic comic books. Dark Horse’s large library includes titles like 30 Days of Night, 300, Barb Wire, Hellboy, The Mask, Sin City, Tank Girl, and Timecop which have all seen screen adaptations before. Plus titles like Nexus, Emily the Strange, B.P.R.D., Black Science, Concrete, Fear Agent, The Goon, Harrow County, Low, Rex Mundi, and Usagi Yojimbo which have not.
What can we expect from Dark Horse Comics?

The Netflix teams are already working in deep collaboration with Dark Horse to identify projects beyond the world of traditional superheroes—branching into horror, fantasy and family entertainment,”
Cindy Holland, Netflix Vice President of Original Content
We are very excited about this new arrangement with the talented people at Netflix. We have strong creative relationships as well as a large content library to work with and, as we have seen with our recent projects, Netflix is the perfect partner to bring our stories to fans around the world.”
Mike Richardson, Dark Horse President and Founder

We don’t know exactly what titles from Dark Horse will end up as future films and series on Netflix. The first season of The Umbrella Academy was seen by more than 45 million Netflix subscribers. So, we do know that we will be getting a second season of that series soon.
Are there Dark Horse titles you’d like to see on Netflix? Let us know in the comments below.