Recently, the cast of HBO’s His Dark Materials joined Comic-Con@Home to discuss the series. Here are some fun behind-the-scenes facts from the cast themselves.
1. Dafne Keen and Lin-Manuel Miranda want a Lyra & Lee series.
Keen and Miranda forged a strong bond on set during season one, bonding over the Spanish language and a love of showtunes. Unfortunately, season 2 finds Lyra and Lee (literally) a world apart. The actors said they missed spending time together, and would be down for a Lyra and Lee series, buddy-cop comedy style.

2. Keen auditioned with everyone but the real Will Parry.
Keen was cast fairly early and underwent a number of chemistry tests with actors auditioning to play Will Parry. Ultimately, the show cast Amir Wilson – but he was actually “the only one” Keen hadn’t actually tested with.
3. A director told Ariyon Bakare he should play a villain.
Prior to landing his role as Boreal, Ariyon Bakare said he hadn’t played a real villain before. However, a director on a different project once told him he should! He told Bakare to just play it “completely straight-faced, with no emotion.” Bakare took that advice and brought it to his His Dark Materials character.

4. Miranda and Andrew Scott bonded over Judge Judy.
Season 2 of His Dark Materials sees Lee picking up Will’s father John Parry, played by Andrew Scott. Miranda gushed over his excitement to “be in a balloon with Hot Priest,” referencing Scott’s role on Fleabag. Early on, the two bonded over – of all things – a love for the TV court program Judge Judy.
5. Scott introduced Miranda to the Percy Pig.

Scott fondly recalls he expanded Miranda’s British snack knowledge while on set. “I introduced Lin to a very British snack, which is a thing called a Percy Pig,” Scott said. “They’re good! They’re very good,” Wilson chimed in.
6. Bakare made the cast recite L’oreal adverts on set.
“On set, Ariyon did this thing where he made everyone…you know the advert “L’oreal: Because you’re worth it”? He made everyone go, “Boreal: Because you’re worth it,” recalled Wilson.
“He made me do it in Spanish!” Keen added.
7. Ruth Wilson brought her daemon to the discussion.
Ruth Wilson did the full panel with Mrs. Coulter’s golden monkey daemon in frame. (Okay, this isn’t really a behind-the-scenes fact, but I thought everyone should know.)

You can learn more about His Dark Materials by watching the full Comic-Con panel below.
For more on His Dark Materials or the latest shows coming to HBO, be sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.