Christmas is coming up soon, and Hot Topic has some new Critical Role merch available.
Between a new journal to a bag clip, and even socks, they have something for everyone. Up first is the new journal.

This tabbed journal looks amazing and has some pretty awesome art inside of it as well.
You can role with them! Take notes in this spiral-bound journal from Critical Role featuring tabbed sections inspired by the Mighty Nein.

This is up for pre-order right now and is set to start shipping between December 26th and January 6th.
Up next is the D20 Bag Clip.

This bag clip is both cute and stylish.
It’s dangerous to go out unprepared, you never know when you’ll need to make a critical roll! This plush bag clip of a d20 from Critical Role is shaped like your favorite icosahedron with the numbers printed in white.

This is up for pre-order right now and is expected to ship between December 19th and December 30th.
Now on to the socks. Up first is a pair of no-show socks.

These are perfect for if you’re wearing low-top sneakers or even boots.
Get ready to roll in these no-show socks featuring the iconic sword and d20 logo of the hit tabletop RPG livestream show.

These are available right now. And finally, there is a pair of crew neck socks available as well.

These are perfect for the professionals in your life looking to add a little bit of their fandom into their work wardrobe.
Get ready to roll in your new favorite Critical Role crew socks! The iconic sword and d20 logo of the hit tabletop RPG livestream show is printed on the outer facing sides.