Okay, let’s get a couple of things out of the way early: Lucasfilm no longer employs Gina Carano. Ergo, she will not appear in the Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic series in which she was expected to star. So yes, her departure will affect the series. But a new rumor about who will replace her character is so full of holes that its likelihood is doubtful at best. If we have to bet, we’re wagering that Star Wars Rebels character Hera Syndulla will not replace Cara Dune in the series.

The rumor comes from lrmonline.com. It says that their “sources” tell them that “creatives are looking to bring Hera Syndulla as the bridge to connect the show to…” The Mandalorian. First and foremost, Hera has no connection to The Mandalorian universe right now as it is. So how can she serve as a bridge to something of which she’s not even a part? More importantly, those spreading this rumor don’t appear to have done their research. Otherwise, they’d know that by the time of The Mandalorian, Hera will more than likely have retired from service to the Republic.
Hear Syndulla appearing in Rangers of the New Republic unlikely
When you’re discussing a character and her possible future in the franchise, it helps to be well versed in what’s transpired with the character to date. For example, the article says that Hera Syndulla “achieved the rank of captain” at the time of Return of the Jedi. We all know that’s wrong. Hera was already a general by the time of Rogue One, years prior to the events of ROTJ. (And yes, general is a higher rank than captain. If you need proof – Han Solo was a captain in The Empire Strikes Back, and general in ROTJ. The Alliance didn’t demote Han Solo; neither did it demote Hera.)

Why is this error important? Because not knowing Hera Syndulla was a general means that the rumor doesn’t account for her character arc in the Alphabet Squadron series. Hera led an entire battle group in the time following the Death Star II’s destruction at Endor. In fact, she had a very specific job – hunt down Shadow Wing. And she did, right up to the battle of Jakku. However, she did so with a great deal of reluctance. Hera speaks frequently of her war fatigue throughout the book series. In the Alphabet Squadron finale Victory’s Price, there is an extraordinary amount of exposition about Hera wanting to finally leave the service to be with her son Jacen.
Hera will return… but not this soon.

The Galactic Civil War exhausted her. Read the Alphabet Squadron series and you’ll get a very clear picture of just how much. Getting pressed back into service for the Battle of Exegol many years later, when Jacen is fully grown, is one thing. But Hera Syndulla returning to service so soon after Jakku when she’s finally starting a “normal” life? Unlikely. We’re giving this rumor 100:1 odds at best.