(Warning! Spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The Mandalorian.)

Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) is in The Mandalorian, as was leaked and as we see on IMDb, besides in the actual show. That’s quite thrilling.
And is this something we should have seen coming?
At one point, Disney green-lit a Fett film. (I still remember reading the news, and where I was when reading it, two-and-a-half years ago.)
So Disney has been wanting to do Fett for some time.
The studio is merely finally realizing it – just in a different medium.
A Story May Have Already Been There
There’s an outside chance that story elements were in place for the film. First, James Mangold (Logan) and Simon Kinberg (the X-Men franchise) were hired to write a script. Who knows how far they got?

And for a year – a year! – Josh Trank (Fantastic Four) developed what was believed to be a Fett film. So he could easily have developed at least part of a screenplay.
Are story elements from Mangold/Kinberg and/or Trank being used now in The Mandalorian?
Even if not, Disney was going to devote serious screen time – even a feature film – to Fett. That suggests that the studio is going to devote at least equivalent time of a feature on the streaming service Disney+ to the character.
That may very well mean that Fett is the star of the show’s second season. It could even mean that he is the Mandalorian to which the show’s title refers.
Hopefully, Fett Lives Up to the Spotlight.

We love his armor and more. But he couldn’t withstand a ridiculous accident in Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi. And the person he was cloned after lasted only so long on-screen.
And what do you think? Did the filmmakers assigned to the Fett film develop any sort of a screenplay for the movie? If so, will its story elements be used in The Mandalorian? Will Fett figure heavily into The Mandalorian? Is he the Mandalorian?
Fett made his initial appearance in the show in the first episode of season 2 of the production. It was titled Chapter 9 – The Marshal. New episodes of The Mandalorian will show Fridays through Dec. 18 on Disney+.