Well its that time of year again where love fills the air and Husbands all over will be freaking out because they forgot it is Valentine’s Day. Well hopefully today I will be able to make that Valentine’s Day shopping a little easier for you love Porgs. So set back and relax and let Darth Love show you what to get your special Wookiee for Valentine’s Day.
10. MeUndies Unisex Onesie
Nothing says love like being comfortable and cuddling during Disney+ and chill. And with the MeUndies Star Wars onesie this Valentine’s Day you and your loved one will be able to achieve that. Also with three different patterns to choose from the Star Wars fun will last all night, unless you falll asleep binge watching The Clone Wars. (There are a lot of episodes) You can order by clicking here.

9. Lovepop Star Wars Cards
Are you that last minute gift giver and already know that you are going to buy flowers. Well add a little Star Wars fun and get them a Lovepop Star Wars card. These 3D BB-8 and Yoda pop-up cards will add some fun to those flowers and make your Valentine’s day a popping good time.

8. Star Wars Lego Sets
What is the best way to build a strong relationship? Star Wars LEGO sets of course! Just image spending that Valentine’s Day looking that one and only into their eyes and ripping open bags of LEGOs. Well OK it might not be for everyone, but I don’t care who you are LEGOs are always fun to build and the LEGO Shop has a lot to choose from.

7. Star Wars Citizen Watches
Is that love of your life always late but just doesn’t get it? Well, give them a hint and get them a Star Wars themed Citizen Watch. From Boba Fett to Princess Leia there is a style for that special man or lady for Valentine’s Day.

6. A Star Wars kitchen from Williams Somoma
Maybe you two love birds just bought a house or are looking to update your current kitchen. Well show each other how Hoth it can get in the kitchen with Williams Somoma’s Star Wars collection. From Instant Pots to cookie cutters there is something for you both to keep your Valentine’s Day a little spicy.

If you liked these items just wait until you see Darth Love’s top five picks. So head over to page 2 for even more gift ideas.