The Mandalorian Season 3 is over and what an ending right? I mean how cool was it seeing a bunch of Mandalorians flying around in battle? Not only did we get those amazing action scenes we saw Grogu’s powers grow, the rebirth of Mandalore, and many cameos. But, with all the cameos we got there were a few characters myself and many others were surprised that we didn’t see in the third season. Of course, those characters are Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth, Migs Mayfeld, and Ahsoka Tano.

5 Characters We Missed That Were Not In The Mandalorian Season 3.
Season three of The Mandalorian was full of some amazing characters. I mean we had Mando, Grogu, Bo-Katan, Moff Gideon, and so many more; but there were a few key names that we didn’t get to see. Those characters are Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth, Migs Mayfeld, and Ahsoka Tano.
Boba Fett

Boba Fett was first teased in the first season of The Mandalorian but we really didn’t get our official look at the iconic bounty hunter until season 2 in the episode ‘The Tragedy’. From there Fett had a pretty big role in helping Mando with his quest to save Grogu. Then in The Book of Boba Fett Mando even got his own episode and returns to help Fett defeat the Pykes to take control of Mos Espa. So with all this, you would have thought that we would see Fett at one point in The Mandalorian Season 3, but I guess now we will have to wait to see where or if he appears.
Fennec Shand

The next character I was surprised that we didn’t see was Fennec Shand. Fennec who also first appeared in season one of The Mandalorian knew Mando pretty well. It was in season 2 when we learned that she teamed up with Boba Fett. Fennec, like Fett, had a big role in helping Mando save Grogu. So I know I was waiting to see her at some point in the third season but was disappointed when I didn’t.
Cobb Vanth

Using the iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett’s armor we first see Cobb Vanth as the Marshal of Mos Pelgo (now Free Town). This is where Mando finds Vanth in the armor and demands it from him. Well after working out a deal to have Mando help kill the Krayt Dragon mando received the armor from Vanth. We also see Mando head to Free Town in The Book Of Boba Fett to enlist Vanth and the townspeople help to fight alongside him and Fett against the Pykes. Well, as we know Vanth gets gunned down by Cad Bane and we last see him soaking in a bacta tank. I guess I was at least hoping for an update on him.
Migs Mayfeld

Migs Mayfeld, here is a character we didn’t get enough of in The Mandalorian. A former Imperial sharpshooter we first meet Mayfeld in the first season of The Mandalorian. Mayfeld was recruited to lead a small team by Ranzar Malk to rescue a prisoner from the New Republic. But before they could go they needed a ship like the Razor Crest to sneak to the correctional transport. Well, once there Mayfeld betrayed Mando but it didn’t go too well for him and Mayfeld ended up locked up.
We see MayFeld again in season 2 where with the help of Marshal Dune he was released from the Karthon Chop fields and helped Mando retrieve the coordinates for Moff Gideon’s cruiser. After the mission, Dune commented on the unfortunate “death” of Mayfeld and let him walk away with his freedom. Mayfeld is a character that grew on me and I was hoping we would get his return in season 3, but unfortunately, we didn’t.
Ahsoka Tano

Ok, this no-show shocked me the most. Ahsoka Tano’s live-action character was first introduced in the second season of The Mandalorian. There she and Mando teamed up to help her defeat Morgan Wlsbeth and her control over Calodan. She also informed Mando that she could not help Grogu with his training but told him where to go to possibly find a Jedi that will. Now we only did get Tano in one episode of The Mandalorian but we also see her and Mando meet again in The Book of Boba Fett. I thought maybe because of her ties with Bo-Katan and possibly keeping an eye on Grogu we would have seen her again to help in season three. I mean how cool would it have been to see Bo-Katan and her together again on Mandalore?
Maybe In Season 4 Of The Mandalorian Or The Mando-Verse Movie

OK, as of now we have not got the official word on a fourth season of The Mandalorian, but from the way it sounds the scripts for the next season are ready. Also, we do know that there will be a Mando-Verse movie heading our way in the future that will be directed by Dave Filoni. So hopefully we will see these characters return again in one of these.
We Want To Hear From You
What are your thoughts on these missing characters from The Mandalorian Season 3“? Who else would you add to this list? Also, what do you hope to see in the next season(if we get one)? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you.
You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hitting me up on social media at NerdyVet574. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics on Facebook to chat about all things from the galaxy far far away. Also, you can stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at More importantly, be safe, We can’t wait to see you all at Celebration 2025.