As a fan of all things Dave Filoni, this episode almost had too much. You saw Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Din Djarin, Ahsoka Tano, Cobb Vanth, and then to cap it all off, Cad Bane. For fans of The Clone Wars, you’ll know him very well. For others, he’s one of the most fearsome bounty hunters in the galaxy. His presence with the Pyke Syndicate shows that they mean business. Capping it all off was that cliffhanger involving Luke and Grogu at the end. This episode might’ve been light on the actual storytelling, but it went further in building out the overall narrative of The Book of Boba Fett.
The appearance of Cad Bane caps off the perfect kind of episode that gives just enough to fans for nostalgia and The Mandalorian references but also builds out the overall Star Wars universe. It also signals that the Pyke Syndicate has bigger plans for Boba Fett and the planet Tatooine. You don’t just bring in the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy for small potatoes. They know Boba Fett will fight back, they’re just preemptively stopping his help.
That whole sequence with Cobb Vanth and Cad Bane was perfectly shot. Dave Filoni captured the old-school spaghetti western feel of the proceedings. You had the mysterious villain appearing from the desert, the rugged sheriff defending his town, the upstart deputy, and more. All of that plus the beautiful cinematography, score, and lighting of the scene. It was perfect in every detail. That’s really what this episode was all about, the details.
Deepfake Luke Skywalker Has Never Looked Better
If there was anything that people could complain about (and trust me, Star Wars fans can complain) the appearance of Luke Skywalker in the season finale of The Mandalorian, it was that the CGI looked pretty iffy for him. This time around, there are still some issues, like him not blinking, but the kinks have definitely been ironed out. He looks great, his movement is fluid, the voice is perfect for what Mark Hamill would sound like. It’s a fantastic display of technology evolving, even in the past year.
The moments with Grogu remembering his training, and his past were also a nice touch. So we know that Grogu is at least as old as the Jedi Purge. What we don’t know is how he got into the clutches of the Imperials without the Ex-Clone Troopers killing him. Whenever we learn that it’ll be awesome. However, there’s a finale episode left for The Book of Boba Fett. The joke is that now it’s just season 2.5 of The Mandalorian. That might be true, but what else would we want? This show is great, and it continues to get better as it goes along.
The finale should give us more details about the Pyke Syndicate and what the whole plan is for Boba’s defense against them. Are there more friends that Din or Boba can bring along? Will we get Boba Fett and Cad Bane facing off? I’m all for a The Wild Bunch finish to this season. Let the blasters fly.
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Maybe they should’ve just called this show, “The Book of Tatooine?” At least *it* shows up in every episode. 😛
All jokes aside, I appreciate that Filoni’s not filling the scenes with “as you know” exposition dumps or flashbacks every time a “new” old character shows up, and neither is he directing so much plot around them that a newcomer would be left exasperated at not knowing who these people are. I showed my wife the Mandalorian (both seasons), and her not knowing who Bo Katan or Ahsoka were didn’t make the show impossible to follow. Even though I did give her some brief context/synopses of their roles in previous shows, I didn’t feel like we had to pause and dig our way through Clone Wars or Wookiepedia in order for her to follow the narrative of the show at hand.
I think the showrunners are showing excellent restraint when it comes to grafting together the two “good” eras of the cinematic Star Wars universe (yes, I consider the Prequels finally accepted into the family). I still feel guilty on Boba/Temura’s behalf every time the rug gets pulled out from under him, though. But as long as Boba Fett gets to show up in all the future shows as well, I think it’ll be an acceptable precedent.
What’s next for prequel-era cameos? Maybe even Jar Jar will find redemption? XD