Hasbro Pulse has just announced a new figurine for the Star Wars Vintage Collection: a model of Din Djarin’s Razor Crest ship. Although at its size, using “figurine” might be pushing it.

This apparently scale model of the Razor Crest measures 30 in. long, 20 in. wide, and 10.5 in. tall. She’s definitely a figure that needs her own table all to herself. And as you can see, the exterior is richly modeled and decorated with obsessive detail. It’s not just the exterior too.

Razor Crest Model: Too Much Detail?
The inside is just as intricately detailed as the outside. The rear ramp is apparently openable, and the interior compartment has been modeled to look exactly like it did in the show.

Heck, the doors on the armory are apparently even openable, if you so choose. Though I wonder how you can possible access it?

Plus, as an added bonus, the titular Mandalorian himself, Din Djarin, is sitting at the helm of his ship in the cockpit.

The Razor Crest‘s cockpit window is apparently removable so that you can access him, and I assume that he can be lifted out for you to paint. According to the available info, his cape is also a “soft-goods” item. I presume then that the cape is made of a flexible material, unlike the rest of him, which would make it an interesting contrast.
Unfortunately, this model of the Razor Crest isn’t quite out yet. In fact, Hasbro appears to be running some kind of Kickstarter-like campaign for her. They won’t even begin making it until it reaches 6,000 backers. How do you become a backer, you may ask? Well, apparently, you go to Hasbro’s web page for it, and pay $349.99 USD to become a backer. Yeah, asking for $350 for something you might never see if 5,999 other people also don’t pay for it is an iffy prospect. But if you really want it, go for it.
Hasbro Pulse is running a Kickstarter-like campaign for its Razor Crest Vintage Collection figure, and all you have to do is pay $350 along with 5,999 other people to get it. Seems like a tall order for just one figure to me, but hey, if you have the money to spend on it, or if you just really like the Star Wars Vintage College, it’s your money.
Source: Hasbro Pulse Facebook