[Warning: Contains spoilers for the latest episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Read on at your own risk.] Disney has faced its fair share of criticism since taking over Star Wars from George Lucas. Many fans, for instance, balked when Lucasfilm relegated the Expanded Universe to “Legends” status. Kathleen Kennedy & Co., however, did listen to fans, and they’ve been slowly reincorporating some of the classic content back into canon. From hammerhead corvettes, to Darth Bane, to fan favorite Thrawn, old is new once again. This time, it looks like The Bad Batch may be setting up another legends storyline by way of the Clone Rebellion.

If there is anyone who can seamlessly incorporate a Legends character or storyline into the current Star Wars canon, it’s Dave Filoni. The Lucasfilm creative director, is of course, the driving force behind The Bad Batch. The latest episode saw Clone Captain Howzer (and others) see through the tyranny of the Empire and lay down their arms. Sure, they got arrested for it, but the impact of that defiance cannot be understated. That’s especially true when taken together with the show’s other, underlying subplot.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch sets up the Clone Rebellion

Let’s not forget what’s happening on Kamino in the The Bad Batch. Front and center is the search for Omega. Prime Minister Lama Su wants her genetic code to source more clones, but not for the Empire. What would he do with a clone army outside of the Empire’s control? That’s where another Legends storyline comes in. The narrative campaign in EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront II reminds us that a clone uprising took place on Kamino. Despite their programming, the Kaminoan clones eventually rose up against Imperial authority.

The Bad Batch seems to be setting up the Clone Rebellion of Kamino rather nicely. It’s also a carry-over from Filoni’s other animate series, Star Wars Rebels. It was in that series that we learned Clone Commander Wolffe (and Gregor) had joined Rex in rebelling against the Empire following Order 66. If the Kamino subplot plays out, perhaps Wolffe might appear in the show, as well. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch airs Fridays on Disney+.
(Thanks for the inspiration, Screen Rant.)