Well Star Wars fans it seems that there are more Star Wars rumors being sent to us from the plant of Lothal. It has been reported that STAR WARS: Rebels will be making a return this year to Disney+. Now these rumors have yet to be confirmed, but they have given some fans even more hope for even more Star Wars content this year. With the success of The Mandalorian and the excitement of The Clone Wars season 7, you can see why Disney and Lucasfilm would want to push this out.

Rebels coming to a TV near you
So, according to a report from First Order Transmissions a new STAR WARS: Rebels series is coming to Disney+. They also said that the new series is all ready in the works and will premiere this fall. The Rebels sequel will feature Ahsoka and Sabine on their quest to find Ezra. One interesting thing that came out of this was that Dave Filoni will be involved which is good, but may not be overseeing the whole project.

Let’s hope the Rebels rumors are true
I have to admit I’m not one of the first people that jumps on the first rumor I see. But this is one I know myself and many Star Wars fans want to happen. It wasn’t just this information that got me wanting a new season of Rebels even more, it was the little tease that Dave Filoni gave us on Christmas of a picture of Ahsoka that he drew. Also, what does it mean that he may not be overseeing the entire project. Who will Filoni trust to hand this project to? Well, like always we will have to wait and find out. I mean who knows this could be that secret Disney+ project that everyone is talking about?

We want to hear from you
How exciting is it to be a Star Wars fan right now? With The Mandalorian Season 2 and The Clone Wars hitting Disney+ this year what more could we ask for right? Well when the getting is good, we want to keep on getting. So, to answer that question myself we can and will ask for more and we want Rebels.
What would you like this series to cover? How excited are you that we could possibly see all of our Rebels favorites together again? With all that’s coming out what are you most excited for?
You can tell your thoughts by hitting us up on Twitter or myself @starwarsnerd574. You can also join my Star Wars page at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics to chat all things Star Wars.
Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com and the Star Wars Fanatics on Facebook. I can’t wait to see you all this year at STAR WARS Celebration.