With The Mandalorian now only three and a half months away, we’re hearing more about a character that will influence events in the show. Breaking Bad Alum Giancarlo Esposito recently talked about his role in the show and what it could mean.
Gaincarlo Esposito’s Character Breakdown
During Star Wars Celebration, we received the latest trailer and heard the panel discuss the show and their roles, but absent from both the footage and panel was Esposito. His popularity in Breaking Bad made him a face fans are searching for.
While talking to /Film, Esposito hinted that his character may be on the darker side of the spectrum. He had this to say:
“In a way, you might call him an underworld character,” Esposito said. “You may also look at him as a savior, as someone who might bring back some order to the world after it’s all collapsed.”
Giancarlo Esposito
While very vague, this does support the belief that the end goal of The Mandalorian will have to do with Mandalore escaping the tyrannical grasp of the broken Empire. Esposito’s character sounds like he may be key in getting our gunslinger onto his true path in the show.
Hints At Giancarlo Esposito Look

Esposito talked about how he has been filming in “The Volume”. Cryptic as that may sound, “The Volume” helps filmmakers who use performance capture to film roles. Avatar and Robert Zemeckis both used this studio. This strongly suggests that Esposito will be some sort of CGI construct. Fans will need to recognize his voice more likely instead of his face. He added the following:
“It could suggest that,” Esposito said. “We are working in The Volume. It’s a very specific atmosphere and quite fascinating to work in. I don’t want to spoil anything for you but that does suggest I might have a different persona. Who knows?”
Giancarlo Esposito
Whatever his final look turns into, Esposito states even he does not know. The final look remains a mystery even to him.