Perhaps predictably, Disney recently announced a slew of film delays and bumped release dates. Highly anticipated Marvel movies, like Black Widow, are all pushed back (Black Widow now won’t arrive until November). In one extreme case, Artemis Fowl won’t even make It to theaters at all; it’s going straight to Disney+. Noticeably absent from Disney’s slate of delays, however, was its other cornerstone franchise. That’s right. By all counts, the next Star Wars feature film is still on for 2022.

A while back, former Disney CEO Bob Iger announced that the Star Wars feature films would go on hiatus until 2022. That in and of itself wasn’t shocking. A three year lag between Star Wars films used to be the norm. Plus, Iger himself had admitted that perhaps Lucasfilm had rushed too much content to the silver screen. In hindsight, the decision to wait until 2022 to release another Star Wars feature film was clearly the right one.
Star Wars feature film still set for 2022

While most other film releases and productions are grinding to a COVID-19 induced halt, Lucasfilm still has plenty of time to develop whatever comes to the galaxy far, far away next. For the last couple of years speculation has run rampant with respect to the next Star Wars feature film. Game of Thrones showrunners Benioff and Weiss were originally attached, but bowed out last fall. And then there’s the will-he-or-won’t-he drama surrounding Rian Johnson.
Rumors also had the next Star Wars film taking place during the time of the Old Republic. That gave fans hope of seeing Darth Revan come to live-action at last. But now that we know Project Luminous will focus on the High Republic as opposed to the Old, it could signal a tie-in shift towards that era instead.

Whatever happens, it at least still seems likely that we’ll be getting a new Star Wars feature film December 16, 2022. The question remains though: What do you think it will be? Let us know in the comments below.