The next Star Wars book due out in a couple months is the story of Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan, Master and Apprentice, by Claudia Gray. has just released an exclusive excerpt which seems to cut to the heart of the story. Here is a small piece of the release:
The Council, he said to himself. By the Force, the Council.
Perhaps another Jedi might have given way to elation, or even the temptation of pride. Qui-Gon Jinn was made of sterner stuff. Besides, he couldn’t bring himself to feel entirely happy when he considered the question of Obi-Wan.
He’d already come to believe that they were mismatched as teacher and student. The main reason Qui-Gon hadn’t asked for a transfer before was that he knew Obi-Wan would be hurt by it, and would blame himself. The Council’s invitation would allow the transfer to be impersonal, merely practical. Obi-Wan could then be reassigned to a teacher who would serve him better.s t a r w a r s . c o m
Why, then, did the idea fill Qui-Gon with such a profound sense of loss?”
You can read the full excerpt from Master and Apprentice here.

A Master’s Script
Claudia Gray is the hot in hand in Star Wars literature these days. Her previous books have not missed. When she writes, she not only hits to the core of each character but their interactions are the heart of her stories. Her characters stand out and are easy to love and want to follow.
I have no doubt Claudia will be able to capture the personalities and tensions that go back and forth between Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan. This struggle could be a great addition to the little signs we see in Ep I.

Master and Apprentice: The Struggles Within
This book looks to delve into the struggle between Qui-Gonn’s views of the living force and following where ever they may lead versus and Obi-Wan’s by-the-book, never do wrong style. From the excerpt alone, Qui-Gonn says he is hesitant to ask for a new master for Obi-Wan because Kenobi will take it personally, as if it was his fault. In Episode I, when Qui-Gonn moves to let Obi-Wan go in favor of Anakin, Obi-Wan is indeed hurt by the move.
The other fascinating part of this book will be Qui-Gonn’s struggle with whether or not to accept the offer to be on the council. It is his chance to make a difference. He has often disagreed with the council. Here is a chance to give his voice weight by adding it to the ruling voice of the council.
The other fascinating part of this book will be Qui-Gonn’s struggle with whether or not to accept the offer to be on the council. It is his chance to make a difference. He has often disagreed with the council. Here is a chance to give his voice weight by adding it to the ruling voice of the council.
I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! It is a fascinating story, involving two of the great characters in the Star Wars universe at a pivotal point in both their lives. All of this fits right up Claudia’s wheel house, and I have no doubt she will do this book justice. Go Get it!!

Master and Apprentice releases to stores April 16th.