Top Moment #4 – The Gifts

Not everyone at Celebration 2019 were allowed to all the panels. A lottery was enacted and people were given tickets that were so strict, they could not be given away or sold. It turns out there were benefits to the tickets despite just getting into the panels. After the major panels there were swag give aways. Exclusive posters and some other items were available at a special pick up location. Most of the gifts they showed were pretty sweet. They didn’t need to do that, but they did. Pretty cool.
Downer #3 – Anthony Daniels

I’m sorry but would someone please kick his ass off the stage? It is great he loves being on stage and doing interviews, but it’s not for the love of fans. It is the love of self. Every time he takes over the mic it instantly becomes all about him. And if the MC isn’t talking about him enough he makes sure to interject himself into the conversation and turn it back to him. I had to love the slight that Warrick Davis gave him by skipping over the C-3PO actor at the Episode I panel. While in jest, it did point out Daniel’s narcissism. You know they all see it.