Legos as a general rule suck. There is nothing worse that walking the hall in the middle of the night and stepping on the little landmines, scattered around the house. Shards of glass often feel better. But does a Star Wars Lego Yavin set make it better?
I mean, there’s also the shopping for the kids. The small kits look okay, but the bigger kits look awesome – until you flip the box over for the price! How could they ask so much for so little? You go back to the smaller kits and they are barely affordable, but then again you are getting 30 blocks total!
However, there are those out there with the time, money and lack of kids to disassemble them, that create true master pieces with the little orthopedic landmines. You have the giant X-wings and Millennium Falcons. There are the colossal AT-ATs and AT-M6s. The bravest might even tackle the 3,803 piece Death Star.
Then you have those with access to the blocks they need to create free-hand masterpieces like First Order Lego. They create all sorts of renditions of famous scenes from the Star Wars movies and now video games. They just released pictures of the Yavin battleground from Battlefront II. As you can see below, it follows the game map fairly well.
Yavin Comes to Life In Lego
First Order Lego First Order Lego
How people can not only find time for things like this, but the Lego pieces needed to create a scene like this is beyond me. This is a great job of capturing the feel, texture and preciseness of the Battlefront II map. I really do not understand how people even find the bricks they need to do gorgeous scenes like this. Considering they are only Legos, the detailed feel of the map is incredible.

If you have done any free form Lego sets or ships, feel free to share in the comment section. It is down right scary what can be done with these tiny, over priced bricks.