If you’re like me, you were dumbstruck by The Bad Batch. From all the way back in episode one of season seven of The Clone Wars. Now I say, all the way back, because February was nine years ago in 2020 time. That episode kicked off the bonanza that was season seven in style. The only complaint that people had about it, was they wanted more of the Bad Batch. Clone Force 99 was so popular for their one-off appearance, that fans demanded more content from them.
Now if you’re into rumors about Star Wars, like we are, then this is for you. Geek Tyrant is reporting that they have confirmation of a Bad Batch animated spin-off series. So you might be able to see Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair, and Echo on your Disney+ screens sometime soon. The Clone Troopers born with design flaws went on to captivate Star Wars fans for that one episode.
Obviously this is to be taken with a grain of salt, but it’s an interesting look into what we can expect from Disney+. The possibilities are endless for content on the platform because Disney has all the control over it. They don’t need to answer to TV networks or advertisers. As for other characters appearing, it’s likely that the show takes place after the Siege Of Mandalore, so Ahsoka and Captain Rex are probable guesses.
What I’d Like To See Out Of The Bad Batch

If you’re asking me what I want to see, it’s how the Bad Batch was formed and what they did before their badass appearance in season seven. The whole reason why The Clone Wars was so successful, was because it built up characters that we didn’t get much identity or information about originally. Dave Filoni knows how Star Wars works, and he did it flawlessly. So to see The Bad Batch get a proper backstory and more identity would be awesome.
That’s all the information that we have for right now, but if this is true, it would be an awesome inclusion to the Star Wars universe. Normally we only get content like this in comic books or novels after the original characters have been introduced. Like I said before, Disney+ is the final frontier for Star Wars content.
For more on The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, Star Wars, or any other general pop culture, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.
Credit: GeekTyrant