Star Wars Celebration is now just days away. There’s no question that the Star Wars: Episode IX panel on Friday will be one of the biggest draws, if not the biggest, of the weekend. We expect Lucasfilm to not only announce the film’s title, but also to show the first trailer. As with any Star Wars film, there are bound to be surprises. Although… Episode IX rumors and leaks fill the Internet these days. JJ Abrams will have to pull some Disney magic to keep everything under wraps. Today we predict what some of the Episode IX surprises might be.

Predicting Episode IX Surprises: Kylo Ren’s Redemption
This one may not be one of the biggest Episode IX surprises if it happens. Notwithstanding, the path Kylo Ren has taken though two films makes his redemption seem unlikely. His struggle to resist the pull of the Light essentially ended when he ran his father through with a lightsaber. In The Last Jedi he traveled further down the path towards the Dark Side.

Like many dark apprentices before him, he eliminated his master to ursurp his power. Kylor Ren also continued to try and sway Rey to his side. Lastly, he tried to literally use all of the First Order’s might on hand to obliterate Luke Skywalker. We’ll be genuinely surprised if he finds redemption by the end of Episode IX.