Have you ever wondered where your favorite Star Wars worlds are in relation to one another? An upcoming Star Wars book will tell you. The new, illustrated reference book Star Wars: a Traveler’s Guide to Batuu contains a brand new map of the galaxy far, far away. But…. While the new Star Wars galaxy map will show you how close Bespin may be to Hoth, it is also mired by an unbelievably glaring omission.

For decades we’ve heard reference to locations like the Core Worlds, Mid Rim and Outer Rim. Coruscant, Alderaan and Corellia all rest (or rested, sorry, Alderaan) within the Core. However, most of the action in Star Wars takes place in the Outer Rim. The new Star Wars galaxy map comes to us from Reddit until the official release, and illustrates the Outer Rim as never before. It shows us the region of such critical worlds as Tatooine, Mustafar, Dagobah, and yes, even Yavin.

But did you know that the main Rebel base sat right in between the Sith world of Moraband and Maul’s home world of Dathomir? As interesting as the map is for what it shows, it’s even more interesting for what it doesn’t.
Star Wars galaxy map has glaring omission
With so much focus on The Clone Wars lately, it’s hard to image that this map would omit a critical character’s home world. Especially considering the character is rumored to make her live action debut this fall. We’re of course talking about Ahsoka Tano. Yet, the Star Wars galaxy map egregiously omits her home world of Shili. Shili isn’t just home to Ahsoka, though. It’s also the home world of Jedi Master Shaak Ti. She was only one of the most powerful Jedi Masters ever.

How the new Star Wars galaxy map missed the Expansion Region world of Shili, despite its strong connection to a character central to recent Star Wars storytelling, is something only the map designers can answer. They probably should, however, as that’s a pretty big mistake.
Source: Reddit
The omission of Shili is not an error. I think it’s rather embarassing that you can call something as simple as omission of one slightly important system in the continuity an error. There are over 5000+ named systems in the Star Wars Legends continuity, and a countless number of new systems are showing up in Star Wars Canon all the time. Shili has already been printed on a map of the Ehosiq sector, so we already know its exact location. But regardless, it’s more than a little embarassing that you make such a fuss over Shili when this map doesn’t even show you where Dantooine is, which is the world Leia told Tarkin the Rebel Base was in A New Hope. How dare they, am I right? Before this map was printed, the exact location of Batuu was not known, and neither were worlds like Ajan Kloss, Pacara, Mokivj, and Parnassos. I think it’s pretty clear that their focus was on new worlds that needed charting as opposed to finding placements for every single system we already know the location of.