Using CGI to bring past characters to life, or to de-age them, is a feature we’ve seen multiple times now in the Disney Era of Star Wars. Rogue One, specifically, utilized the technology to gives us Grand Moff Tarkin one more time. Likewise, the film featured a New Hope-era Leia. We then got to see younger versions of both Luke and Leia in The Rise of Skywalker. Most recently? Jedi Luke in The Mandalorian (more on that to follow). But arguments for the use of either “deepfake” technology, or even the use of physically-similar actors, to supplant the de-aging process Lucasfilm is currently using are growing louder by the day. (Likewise is the argument to use voice actors to play their live-action counterparts, such as Thrawn. See below.) Case in point for recasting: Millie Bobby Brown as a young Leia.
Rumors ran rampantly when we first learned of Disney+ and the fact that live-action Star Wars was coming to the service. One of those rumors revealed the possibility of a young Leia series. Of course, fan-casting erupted, with Millie Bobby Brown rising to the top of the list. And why not? The young actress physically resembles a young Carrie Fisher. She’s even posted photos of herself cosplaying as the princess of Alderaan. A new “deepfake” video, however, shows just how perfect she might be.

Millie Bobby Brown, Younger Leia, and Thrawn
Check out the the video from YouTuber stryder HD, above. There is a strong case indeed for the Stranger Things and Enola Holmes actress to play a young Leia Organa…. Should the occasion ever arise. With the path Disney and Lucasfilm are taking with the franchise right now, though, the possibility of Millie Bobby Brown playing Leia is pretty slim. Although, we are returning to the “Age of Rebellion” era with the new Andor series. So maybe….

Let’s also consider this: If rumors hold true, Lars Mikkelsen will reprise the role of Thrawn in the upcoming Ahsoka series. Instead of deepfaking our favorite characters, I propose an alternative. Make a live-action Thrawn film trilogy (the original Thrawn trilogy) beginning with Heir to the Empire. Millie Bobby Brown as Leia, Sebastian Stan as Luke, and Anthony Ingruber as Han. Donald Glover could even play Lando, and we already, seemingly, have Thrawn.
Make it happen, Lucasfilm.