Star Wars Day was good to fans this year. Lots of exciting announcements about movies and Disney+ shows, but one of the more exciting ones went to gamers when EA Star Wars and Respawn Entertainment announced new and… wait for it… free updates to it’s smash hit Jedi: Fallen Order! Check out the release video below:
“This free update brings a host of new challenges for Cal Kestis and BD-1 to take on. A new Meditation Training feature allows you to test yourself against waves of powerful enemies in arenas across the galaxy.”
EA Star Wars
Jedi: Fallen Order New Game Mode – Combat Challenges
The Combat Challenge game mode gives you control of Cal going up against waves of baddies against the background of all the boards of the game, up to and including Fortress Inquisitorius. But that’s not all. The different locations have their own advantages and disadvantages within the environment. Like Battlefront II, each challenge has a star rating so you can push your play level harder for a better rating.

You get 12 challenges in all, and each has a three-star tier rating system. More stars earn you additional appearance paint schemes for BD-1.
One of the hidden gems in this play mode is the challenges are designed for endgame play when you have Cal all beefed up. Sure, you can take on the challenges earlier, but you might need to level up a bit before you can actually beat it. That will help keep it lively, stopping players from steamrolling the new content. Gotta play to win! The unlocked abilities you have at the time you drop in the challenge is all you have in your favor. Remember what Yoda said to Luke about what was in the cave on Dagobah? “Only what you take with you.” Same thing in Combat Challenge.
New Game Mode: Battle Grid

The other new Meditation Training is Battle Grid. Here’s where you get to lift the hood and tinker. Players can customize their own battles, choose locations, pick how big of an army you want to face, and select different difficulties and battle modifiers. Players also can choose from four difficulty levels for more of a challenge. Oh, and the best part of this is your customizations are savable to play again later and you can fight baddies from Cal’s visions: Jedi Master Jaro Tapal and Cal the Inquisitor!
Jedi: Fallen Order – Inquisitor Cal Kestis

This mode makes Cal the Ninth Cousin, or something like that (I know, bad Inquisitor joke). The game mode New Journey+ unlocks a new Inquisitor skin for Cal. This setting is also where you’ll find all the other new game modes above, and a few other small surprises we’ll leave for you to discover. Just remember, this is all available only after you’ve completed the game. If you haven’t made it to the end, keep plugging away to unlock all the bonus content.

How about it, gaming Hashtaggers? Already jumped into the new content? Let us know how you’re liking it in the comments below. Also stay with That Hashtag Show for all your news and reviews for everything trending in geek pop culture! And as always, to learn more about Star Wars, you can also visit the official website at www.starwars.com.
Source: EA Star Wars