Star Wars fans are constantly scouring the Internet for memorabilia and collectibles. Most items are attainable, for the right price. For instance, if you missed out on the SDCC Exclusive Boba Fett painted in the original Kenner colors, you can just hit up eBay. But…. Every once in a while, a one-of-a-kind item finds its way to the market. If you’re of driving age, then behold: the Star Wars van!

This gem popped on Craiglist last week and it does not disappoint. What you’re looking at is a 1979 Dodge “Shorty” adorned in honor of the 1977 original Star Wars. This Star Wars van comes complete with the Rebel Alliance logo on the hood, X-Wing decals, and Millennium Falcon rug. And yes, that there is Chewbacca riding shotgun (via window decal.)
The “ultimate Star Wars van”

This beauty comes to you from someone who identifies himself or herself only as “Hawk” (because, why not?) and is available in Texas. For the low, low price of $9,800, this “super special” Star Wars van can be all yours! Although, be warned: though it runs, it sounds like the van does need a little work. That’s to be expected, though, and kind of par for the course for a Rebel Alliance vehicle. But hey, what’s a little maintenance when you can own a one-of-a-kind piece of Star Wars nostalgia?
What’s perhaps most interesting about this Star Wars van is the fact that the current owner originally intended to “make the inside pop with a starship style high end freshen up.” Though he (or she) didn’t have the time to make that happen, perhaps the new owner will.

If you’re reading this and end up purchasing this Star Wars van I beg you: Please, please, contact us here at That Hashtag Show. More to this story, we feel there is.
To see more pics of the van, or to make an offer, click HERE.