Collecting Star Wars figures these days has become a full-time profession for some. It’s no wonder – finding a 6″ Black Series figure “in the wild,” as they say, is becoming near impossible. Want a store exclusive? You might as well try buying a unicorn. Thankfully, though, there is at least still one line of toys for the wee ones that is more readily available. Hasbro’s Star Wars Mission Fleet has plenty for kids four years old and up, although the toy company slyly hits parents right in the wallet. recently revealed the new Star Wars Mission Fleet offerings. As expected, the new toys focus heavily on The Mandalorian (thank you very much, Baby Yod… er, Grogu) and The Bad Batch. The Bad Batch is, of course, the latest Lucasfilm Animation series and sequel to The Clone Wars. It’s with the Clone Force 99 toys that Hasbro pulls a fast one. The Bad Batch comes as a set, right? Think again.
New Star Wars Mission Fleet toys coming from Hasbro

There are two sets of Bad Batch toys with which the younglings can play. If you want all members of the team, however, you’ve got to buy them both. That’s right; you cannot purchase all members of The Bad Batch together. For $19.99 you can get Echo, Wrecker, Hunter and Crosshair, and that’s it. If the kids want Tech, parents are going to have to shell out another $14.99 for his stand-alone Star Wars Mission Fleet set. Granted, it comes with an AT-RT (All-Terrain Reconnaissance Transport) vehicle toy, but still. Not offering all members of the squad in one set seems to be little more than a money grab on Hasbro’s part.

There are still plenty of other new items in the Star Wars Mission Fleet line. If your little ones love Baby Yoda and The Mandalorian, they can even get their own, scaled-down Razor Crest. That’s a bit more pricey, at $39.99. The Crest, and most of the other offerings, will be available from Hasbro this fall.
Source: iO9