In honor of May the Fourth and the artistry that brought Star Wars to life, Disney Plus is showing rare and unseen concept art from each era of Star Wars on their homepage carousel. Next time you drop into Disney Plus, scroll through the carousel and see what new artwork is on display in celebration of Star Wars day. Here’s a few of the samples from Star Wars.com below:

Ralph McQuarrie: The Godfather of Star Wars concept art

Ralph McQuarrie, or RMQ as he liked to sign his art, is responsible for most of the futuristic design we know as the original trilogy. George Lucas made Ralph McQuarrie his first Lucasfilm LTD hire. From there, he went on to create the most amazing and immersive universe in film history. All that we fans celebrate and argue about is thanks to the artwork of one man, RMQ. Ralph passed away in 2012, but his artwork lives on.

“Beyond the movies, his artwork has inspired at least two generations of younger artists—all of whom learned through Ralph that movies are designed. Like me, they were thrilled by his keen eye and creative imagination, which always brought concepts to their most ideal plateau. In many ways, he was a generous father to a conceptual art revolution that was born of his artwork, and which seized the imaginations of thousands and propelled them into the film industry. In that way, we will all be benefiting from his oeuvre for generations to come. Beyond that, I will always remember him as a kind and patient, and wonderfully talented, friend and collaborator.”
George Lucas on his friend, Ralph McQuarrie

Share your Star Wars fan art with us!
Hey Hashtaggers, like to draw, sketch, paint and create? Share your Star Wars concepts with us on this May the 4th in the social media comments section! I’ll start by dropping in one of my own below this section. I’m no Ralph McQuarrie, but hey, it’s fun to draw Star Wars stuff anyway!

You can tell us your thoughts and share your art by hitting us up on Twitter or leaving a comment on this page. Also make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com and the Star Wars Fanatics on Facebook. We can’t wait to see you all this year at Celebration.