Sabre vs X-wing: which fighter will win this crossover battle?
The last time we did a crossover battle, it was between 2 iconic walkers. Now though, it’s time to focus on an entirely different theatre. Today, we’ll be discussing a battle between 2 fighters from different sci-fi universes: Halo and Star Wars. First though, we’ll have to discuss the stats of the contestants.
1. YSS-1000 Sabre
In this corner: the YSS-1000 Sabre!

This is the YSS-1000 Prototype Anti-Ship Spaceplane, or we can just call it the “Sabre” like everyone else does. The Sabre is a prototype space fighter used by the UEG military. Its most notable action was during the Battle of Reach, in which a single flight of Sabres devastated the Covenant forces in orbit over the planet.
The Sabre measures 80.7 feet long, and has a short wingspan of just 62.1 feet. This makes it nearly the same length as the B-32 Dominator heavy bomber, but with a much shorter wingspan.

The Sabre is propelled by 4 jet/rocket engines: 2 centerline, and 2 in the wingtips. Its engines aren’t powerful enough for it to reach escape velocity, and it needs a complex system of expendable, detachable rockets just to get into the fight. This resulted in one of the coolest cutscenes in Halo, but also produced quite a few plot holes.
The Sabre has 2 main weapons. One is its twin M1024 ASW/AC 30mm MLA cannons, which are basically 30mm automatic coilguns. These cannons are powerful enough to destroy unshielded fighters in a single shot, and are still able to quickly take out shielded fighters. The other main armament is a pair of ST/Medusa missile launchers, each capable of firing 3 missiles per launcher. These missiles are capable of tracking targets, but will bounce off of energy shields, making them useless against shielded targets. Lastly, the Sabre is the first UEG fighter equipped with energy shields, making it tankier than their unshielded predecessors.
2. X-wing
In the other corner: the X-wing!

The T-65B X-wing was the main starfighter of the Rebel Alliance, and later the New Republic. Its most notable action was during the Battle of Yavin, in which a X-wing piloted by Luke Skywalker delivered the death blow to the Death Star.
The fighter measures 44 feet long and has a nearly 39 feet wingspan, which makes it the size of a Mosquito fighter, but again with a shorter wingspan.

The X-wing’s most notable feature are its 4 S-foil wings, which can be closed for speed and agility, or opened for firepower. The X-wing is also equipped with a hyperdrive, allowing it to travel interstellar distances.
The X-wing has 2 primary weapons. One is its 4 KX9 laser cannons, mounted on each of its wingtips. These quad laser cannons will quickly shred enemy fighters, shielded or not. Its other main weapon is its pair of MG7 proton torpedo launchers, 3 torpedoes each. These torpedoes are extremely agile, and are powerful enough to destroy entire capital ships if you shoot them in the right spot. Lastly, the X-wing not only has energy shields, but also an astromech droid that can perform limited repairs on the fighter on the fly.
The Battle
Once more, in the immortal words of Michael Buffer:

As before, both fighters would be piloted by equally skilled pilots to ensure some amount of fairness. The battle location is also extremely important. Where the battle takes place would determine who wins and who loses. So we need two scenarios here: atmosphere, and space.
Scenario 1: Atmosphere
An atmospheric battle would heavily favor the X-wing. Unlike the Sabre, the X-wing is fully capable of reaching escape velocity under its own power. A X-wing can and should use this ability to dictate the pace of the battle. The X-wing should loiter in orbit waiting to spot the Sabre, and then pounce down once that happens. The Sabre has shields, but enough hits from the quad laser cannons will still bring it down. Heck, a single hit from a proton torpedo would blow the Sabre out of the sky. The Sabre would be unable to counter this, since the X-wing can just retreat back into orbit if it looks like things are going badly for it.
The only chance for the Sabre is to hide in rough terrain and hope that the X-wing surrenders the high ground to try to find it. As we all know though, a strategy that depends on the enemy making a mistake is one that’s doomed to fail.
Scenario 2: Space
Now this is a much more equal engagement, with neither side having their movements restricted.
But First: Author’s Rant

Unfortunately, as much as I love the 2 series, neither Halo nor Star Wars accurately depicts space combat. Fighters in both series move as though they’re in air, and capital ships are unrealistically sluggish. Thus, this battle will work as though space works like…well, space.
The Sabre and X-wing are evenly matched assuming that both fighters have the same rate of acceleration. Combat will consist of both fighters looping around each other, coming in for attack runs each time. The missiles and proton torpedoes would shine here, with both of them being used for long-range strikes. Guns would be used for short-ranged knife-fights.
Okay, Now Back to the Battle

The X-wing would once again have the advantage in a long ranged battle. The proton torpedoes are fast and agile, and they only need to hit once to kill the Sabre. Meanwhile, the Sabre’s own missiles would bounce off the X-wing’s shields, making them nearly useless in this fight. The Sabre’s only chance is to close in for a knife-fight. Star Wars shields are more easily penetrated by mass driver cannons, which the Sabre’s guns count as. A Sabre catching a X-wing at close ranges would shred the X-wing, while the Sabre would be able to survive thanks to its shields.
The X-wing has a trump card though: its hyperdrive. A X-wing can make a short jump if it’s in a bad situation, and then jump back into a more favorable spot. Thus, it’s clear that the X-wing is the favorite winner once more.
The X-wing trounces the Sabre in atmosphere, and has a clear advantage in space. Our favorite farmboy Jedi would definitely come out on top here, even without using the Force.