The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs is back in full swing and with the second episode of Season 4; and with Week 2 Joe Bob and Darcy decided to get very Witch-y on Shudder!
If you’ve never heard of Joe Bob Briggs or The Last Drive-In, every week during the course of their season, Joe Bob Briggs hosts a double-feature of movies. They can be horror classics, cult favorites, or buried treasures. Either way, they show the movie with insightful commentary by Joe Bob and Darcy The Mail Girl, often with special guests.
The movies they choose are a secret until the time of airing. I guessed what two movies they would show and I got one of the two right! The two movies shown were Black Sunday and Def By Temptation.
Black Sunday (1960) D. Mario Bava, W. Mario Serandrei, Marcello Coscia, Mario Bava, Ennio De Concini, Dino De Palma – The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs

Black Sunday was the first movie shown, and like last week with Night Of The Living Dead, this is a bonafide classic.
Such a great starting point for Mario Bava, and the film works so well despite its age and doesn’t feel overly dated. The transfer on this wasn’t as good as last week’s but it was still a fun watch.
Joe Bob did take the time to go into the history of Witches and went into his usual deep dive into this film and its history.
There were no special guests, but Joe Bob and Darcy still kept things interesting.
Def by Temptation (1990) D. James Bond III, W. James Bond III – The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs

The second film of the night was Def By Temptation. I had never heard of this film before so I went in blind and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun this movie was.
Joe Bob started things off by saying that this is Troma’s best release, and I can’t argue with that. It had a tight script, a fun cast, an eerie sense of dread; and all to do with a woman who is seducing and killing men. He even mentions how men should be cautious of women like the lead witch; in that, if they ask you to go back to their place there is likely trouble abound.
The movie itself was a blast but it was the segments with Joe Bob as he drank beers specifically made to get you drunk quickly. By the end of the film, he had his shirt open and his bolo around his head. It was pretty fun and considering there were no guests, it made things interesting.
While these movies themselves were fun, it would’ve been nice to have a guest or two, I understand it’s not always easy finding guests but they’re part of the fun of The Last Drive-In and this episode could’ve used even just one guest, although given the movies it would’ve almost had to have been someone not related to the movies but still.
Still worth checking out, if anything for the deep dive into Witches and two movies that are both pretty decent.
Look forward to my predictions article next week and for all things Shudder, Horror, and Joe Bob Briggs related, keep your coffins directed to