The Justice League has returned, and Amanda Waller is in jail. So, all is good, right? Created by Nicole Maines, Stephen Segovia, and Rain Beredo, SECRET SIX #1 will take Dreamer, Jon Kent, and Jay Nakamura and team them up with Deadshot, Catman, and Black Alice to try to save the world. Thanks to our friends at DC, I was able to get an early look at this issue to share my thoughts with you. SECRET SIX #1 is available now in most local comic shops near you.
Secret Six #1
In the wake of Absolute Power, the Justice League has returned, and the war criminal Amanda Waller is in jail…but all is not as it seems. Dreamer, Jon Kent, and Jay Nakamura have discovered that Waller has been kidnapped, and along with her, every crucial, world-changing piece of information stored in her head!

Now it’s a race against time between our three heroes and the three villains closest to Waller—Deadshot, Catman, and Black Alice—to stop the newly reformed Checkmate from seizing power on a planetary scale! Can these six reluctant teammates reclaim the biggest trove of information in the DC Universe without stabbing each other in the back first? From acclaimed writer and actress Nicole Maines (Supergirl) and superstar artist Stephen Segovia (Spawn), the Secret Six are back in an all-new, high-stakes, twist-filled limited series!
Secret Six #1 The Review
Welcome again to another one of my reviews. Like all of my reviews, I like to keep them short, simple, and as spoiler-free as I can. SECRET SIX #1 started off with the action and fighting I love to see in the comics but slowed down after the first few pages. That’s not a bad thing, as this first issue is used more for setting up the story and showing us how this unusual team was formed. However, for me, who likes a story with a lot of action, it was hard sometimes to stay focused.
One of the reasons was that some of the dialog just wasn’t exciting. The story’s plot was good, but it just felt like it took them a while to get there. Also, don’t worry; you do get a little more action at the end. Now, I do like that this team with Dreamer, Jon Kent, and Jay Nakamura, along with villains Deadshot, Catman, and Black Alice has to work together to save the world. The real question is, will they stick together?

The creative team did a good job with this story. Writer Nicole Maines sets the story well, giving us the information we need for this story to begin. Artist Stephen Segovia and Colorist Rain set the tone for the story right away. The action scenes look great, and the way they use the right colors throughout the panels helps bring more meaning to what is going on.
So overall, SECRET SIX #1 is off to a good start. I am anxious to see what the next few issues bring to the table.
We Want To Hear From You
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