Here we are at the beginning of the end, the final season of Van Helsing. First things first if you used to watch the show and dipped out say after season two or three I regret to inform you that you can’t just come back at this point. The show has way too many twists and turns. Add to that the seeming exit of the lead and it is difficult enough for this fan who has seen every episode to follow.

Changing Things Up
The premiere of Van Helsing’s final season gives us an origin story of the Dark One and expands our knowledge of the sisterhood both of whom have been recurring forces in the show since early in the show. As our POV we have Jack (Nicole Munoz) fresh from the future on a mission from her mother.
If there was one thing that Van Helsing pounded into our heads over four seasons it was the loss of hope that had taken over the world after the sky was covered with volcanic ash. Even without vampires in the immediate vicinity humans could rarely be trusted as far as you could throw them. Vanessa and her team were beaten down by that time and time again.

Now we have Jack as our lead at least for these episodes and she comes at things with a much more hopeful outlook. An approach that could be described as naïve, even so, I find myself rooting for her. We will have to see if she keeps that energy going forward.
If there is one thing I can commend this final season for is that it puts the female characters front and center in the narrative, it is all about Jack, Bathory and Michaela. It is no surprise to me that we get a situation like this in a Sci-fi/Fantasy show.

An Enforced Change?
After watching the first two episodes of the final season I begin to suspect that the show has chosen to go for a pod style of season arcs with the first arc being the Transylvania arc giving us a look at the Brides of Dracula before the big event. I am not sure though as undoubtedly Covid-19 really changed things up in the planning and filming of the show.
So does anyone have any ideas on where this season is going? Have we already seen the last of Vanessa? Is Jack ever getting out of Transylvania or that past?
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