This week you might have done a double-take while looking at the DC comics releases. DC’s Aquamen #1 (not Aquaman) hit the shelves of your local comic shops. Written by Chuck Brown and Brandon Thomas with art by Sami Basri Aquamen #1 Follows the events of Aquaman: the Becoming and Black Manta as Atlantis is being welcomed as the newest member of the United Nations. But things don’t go as planned and it is up to the Aquamen (yes there are two) to figure out what is going on.
Aquamen #1
This comic did not waste any time for the action to start. It only took six panels to take us on a wet and wild ride. New York gets attacked by a big sea monster and Orm, we get two Aquaman(s), Black Manta, and more. Like I said it took no time at all for the action to start and that is what made this comic so good.

Arthur Curry (Aquaman) and Jackson Hyde (also Aquaman) head to New York to stop the attack on the United Nations. Once there Jackson heads off to fight the monster while Arthur confronts his brother Orm. While this is going on we cut to Bexley, Ohio and Paris, France (where we find Black Manta). This is where things get really interesting. Random people start acting differently. We start going back and forth between the different locations and things start to escalate very quickly, and before you know it both Aquamen and Black Manta have their hands full. I won’t go into too much more of this story but there is some big brewing and it looks like it is going to be really bad.
The Creative Team Of Aquamen #1
Writers Chuck Brown and Brandon Thomas do an amazing job in keeping this story interesting throughout the whole issue. While there is not a lot to update any fans that may have not read Aquaman: the Becoming and Black Manta; the good thing is as of now it really isn’t needed. The story will keep you on the edge of your seat with the non-stop action and the mystery of what is really going on. One thing that may be a small negative for this comic is how the story alternates between different storylines on one page. You will see what I mean when you read it. But where this would normally be hard to follow the artist team did a great job of keeping things on track.

The Art in Aquamen #1 is as good as all the action. The team of Sami Basri (Art), Adriano Lucas (Colors), and Andworld Designs (letters) really brought this comic to life. The colors are bright and beautiful and really draw you to the panels. The team also does a great job in changing the shading enough to highlight action scenes and important moments. The panel flow and the multiple-page spreads kept you focused as the story jumped from fight to fight to fight. This art really does keep you from getting lost during all the action going on around the world.
My Final Thoughts
As a comic fan that is just getting into the DC world, I loved this story. Aquamen #1 not only delivered but made me want more. I had to do a little research to learn some of the backstories leading to this comic, but even if I didn’t I would have felt the same. When reading a comic art is very important to me and this comic delivered in that area as well. Really the only thing I kind of didn’t like was how many times on one page we would jump from one storyline to another. But because of the overall plot and the art, it was easy to stay on track and enjoy the read. Aquamen #1 is a must-read!
We Want To Hear From You
Have you had the chance to read Aquamen #1? If you have read it what are your thoughts so far on this story? Also, what are some DC Comics series you are reading right now? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
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