Globetrotting thru Space
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger was a big leap! Toei knew they were capable of doing a massive ranger season following Kyrouger (dino charge). So Toei had the bones, they just needed to change the aesthetic.

This, in my opinion, was one of the most inclusive ranger seasons ever! Yes, we had human rangers but included in the batch were aliens and not simply bleached hair aliens like Andros was back during “in space” or a single ranger like Doggie Cruger. There were a total of 12 rangers for this season and they ALL had their chance to shine! In fact, only one ranger was from Planet Earth! you had 6 humanoids, 3 androids, a dragon, a wolf, a humanoid with a scorpion tail! The ranger costumes were so detailed on incorporating their individuality too. The blue ranger for all intent and purposes was a furry in ranger form!
THIS SOUNDS AWESOME! Why didn’t it get adapted!?
I think for logistical purposes, this being the sophomore series for Hasbro they went for the safe bet stick with Ryusoulger. Their storytelling with the 5 Beast Morphers rangers is solid, but to try and stretch it over 12 rangers in 40 episodes in a VERY Red-Centric season would be hard from a narrative aspect.
Think about also paying 12 actors too! The budget would be gone even before filming. It wouldn’t have been as simple as Dino Charge with rangers 7-10 only showing up in the occasional episode. You get 9 of the Kyurangers from nearly the beginning they would have to cut corners so much it would have looked like TTAFFBH!
Lastly, I think toy sales would have lacked too. The Morpher was too different versus its predecessors. the zords were odd too, each having this interlocking globe mechanic too. Yes, it made its playability fun. but you only had 3 main Megazords. So you would have to rely on the globe sales. We see how well that went with the dino chargers and legendary ranger keys.

Looking at the zords above (not counting top middle) the mechanic just isn’t there to sell the toys just mix and match. Also, what do you do with all the extra pieces?
Next: 2 Ranger teams in one season!?
Two Power Rangers Teams, NO BALANCE!
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger was the boldest leap yet! Introducing 2 separate teams, and new frantic fight scene camera angles. A 7th ranger that was on BOTH teams and then a story that falls flat on its face.

So was there anything good about it?
It had its overall good moments. For me, the only thing I appreciated was the callbacks they did to other series’ using old morphers as the “treasure of the week.”
The way the title went heavily relies on the Lupinranger’s stories. true the cops did each get their respective time to shine episodes. But it still fell short. How are you supposed to have 2 teams juxtaposed against each other when there theming was as different as apples and oranges.
The Patorangers had a car theme whereas the Lupinrangers had an ariel theme. Lupinrangers get a power-up first, Patorangers get something an episode or two later that isn’t nearly as cool. and the powerups look so cheesy!
But what about the 7th ranger?!

On paper what a great concept! On film BLAH! A simple im not from here storyline that ties to the villains. I avoided going into the villains because they are just there in this series. On top of that the constant use of french simply because he was an exchange officer form France. Finally theming Patorangers get cars, Lupinrangers get jets, Silver/Gold get TRAINS?! Where in the Morphin’ Grid did this idea come from?
Did I also mention that his Megazord is the base for the Clutsermuck combination Ultrazord?

This series is the easiest pass for Hasbro. it would be too hard to adapt and how do you make thieves good guys? It can sit on the back of a shelf as a fond reminder of a great try but fall on your face misstep.
Skip power rangers dino fury do it on nick please stop it now for 2021 please love mark
Skip power rangers dino fury do it on nick please stop it now for 2021 hurry now please love mark
I would like Zyuohger to be adapted. I think there needs to be more white rangers. And hopefully Hasbro will find the best storyline to put in.
I want Zyuohger to be adapted next. I truly and personally think there should be more (WHITE) rangers. And I’m certain enough that Hasbro will come up with the best storyline to put in.
I Think they should adapt Kyuranger it’s been too long since we had a space season
I think if Hasbro can knock Dino Fury out of the park then they can get ambitious and attempt Kyuranger next or if not Kyuranger Zyuohger or Kiramager. Unfortunately, I hate to say that as much as I loved Toqger it’s theming doesn’t lend itself well to American audiences. Lupin vs. Pato could be done but you’d need one hell of a new story line reworked for it land well.