Building a Power Rangers world, one Block at a time
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger was an interesting series. For me, the block aesthetic was hard to get around so I jumped in at the introduction of the 6th ranger. Wow, I wish I could have watched is from the premiere.

This series is the 40th anniversary of Super Sentai, it had some great episodes. Sadly, the overall storytelling was a bit disjointed. Plus, the “we gotta get back to our world” theme was overshadowed after the 6th ranger showed up. Turned to save the world after that and smash in a crossover for the 2000th Super Sentai episode with the Gokaigers. Why the Gokaigers? if you need to ask then you just don’t know!
But how could it adapt?
Easily! With 40+ episodes to pull from and very little of the Zyuland to pull from this wouldn’t be the first time that the American audience would be unaware of another show twisting up the source material to fit. The hardest part would be WHY is Everything cubed after that would be trying to figure out a back story for the 6th and 7th Ranger and the villains back story.
The source material has a multiverse thing going on the Human World and the Zyuland where 4 out of our 5 core rangers come from. In the Zyuland all the inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals and because its another dimension everything is cubed. Because? It’s a kid’s show and that’s the gimmick!

Some of the possible hiccups would have been the gimmick itself. Yes, they had auxiliary zords to flesh out the toy line. There was an excellent introduction and obvious redemption 6th Power Rangers arc, AGAIN, but a much much darker tone. What would you call a ranger that has Crocodile, Rhino and Wolf powers? The Wild Ranger? Savanah Ranger? Triple Trouble? Plus, his creation (cause like red was a human) was from the sacrifice of 3 Zyumen at the hands of the big bad, not an easy thing to write into an Americanized kid-friendly format. The block idea would, just like the Train Rangers could be considered infantile.
Japanese sees THIS and this America sees this
Skip power rangers dino fury do it on nick please stop it now for 2021 please love mark
Skip power rangers dino fury do it on nick please stop it now for 2021 hurry now please love mark
I would like Zyuohger to be adapted. I think there needs to be more white rangers. And hopefully Hasbro will find the best storyline to put in.
I want Zyuohger to be adapted next. I truly and personally think there should be more (WHITE) rangers. And I’m certain enough that Hasbro will come up with the best storyline to put in.
I Think they should adapt Kyuranger it’s been too long since we had a space season
I think if Hasbro can knock Dino Fury out of the park then they can get ambitious and attempt Kyuranger next or if not Kyuranger Zyuohger or Kiramager. Unfortunately, I hate to say that as much as I loved Toqger it’s theming doesn’t lend itself well to American audiences. Lupin vs. Pato could be done but you’d need one hell of a new story line reworked for it land well.