Jason David Frank is best known as one of the most legendary Power Rangers of all time. But did you know he was bullied himself? As Tommy Oliver he’s been enough Rangers to form his own team. When Power Rangers first introduced Tommy, his character was a loner. Eventually, he became one with a team. Many children, and now adults, look to Frank as a sense of inspiration. What many might not know is that Frank himself was the victim of bullying as a child.
Jason David Frank’s Bully
Bullying is something that many of us have dealt with as children. Now, it has become widespread and has lead to many kids committing suicide. The statistics on bullying are alarming. It’s currently the number 3 cause of death among young people, and over 14% of young people have had thoughts of suicide due to bullying. JDF recently put out a video on his YouTube account by sharing a poem about bullying. In it Jason David Frank shares a poem in his own words accounting his own bullying experience.
JDF’s Personal Experience
Not many knew that Jason David Frank struggled with bullying as a kid growing up. That actually served as his jumpstart to enroll in karate. Jason shared a personal experience with me about an instance when he was on the receiving end of bullying just for wearing a Wolverine t-shirt.
It’s those memories that you store in you mind, but I guess that’s what made me who I am today. I lived that at a very early period of my life, I remember even having lunch stolen. I finally got to the point where I trained and had confidence. The confidence gave me enough not to be the victim.
Now, Jason David Frank wears his Wolverine shirts with pride. Frank has been producing more spoken word content lately to share his personal experiences and struggles such as Mask. Check out JDF’s YouTube channel for more great inspiration videos with his spoken word.
Thanks you for sharing this… you guys are the best!!!
JDF has been helping children for 30 years! A true gift to the world and an inspiration! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your story. I have dyslexia. It wasn’t clear for many years what was “wrong” with me. Teachers didn’t understand and neither did my parents. In 3rd grade I was involved in an experiment for a high school student. We did memory games, reading games and more. She asked me if I felt uncomfortable. I told her yes. She was the first person ever to ask me why. And this is what I said.
“When I read something, let’s say 1 page so like 4 paragraphs. The first time I read it I am concentrating on the words themselves and retain mybe 25% of the story. I’ll read it a 2nd time and don’t get stuck to much on the words but so can start to read it more smoothly. I retain about 60% of the story. Therefore I may know where it takes place and what it is about but may not remember characters. By the 3rd or 4th time I read the story I can understand it and read it clearly and able to answer questions.”
She knew exactly what was wrong and informed the school. After 3 months of testing I finally had a diagnosis. What a relief. Once I realized it was something that was real I learned so many tips and the bullies laid off for the most part. It made life easier.
Jason David Frank. I am a big fan of URS from when u were first introduce to mighty morphine rangers to power rangers dino thunder. I never miss a episode. I was abuse, physical, emotional, verbal, psychological, and sexual abuse since I was 3. Since I was 6 year old I was bullied. I live with attention deficit and hyperactive disorder combined type among other disabilities, I was in 5 foster home, 1 preadopt home, and adopted out. I also was completely healed of epilepsy and was born with a fatal disease know as the omenn syndrome. Dispute all this tragedy, I was recently elected to Bakersfield city school district board trustee member so I can use my knowledge and wisdom of the United States Constitution and civil rights laws and criminal law and knowing how it was like to b victom of a bully myself to prevent future children to have to go through what we been through. I am also a actor and rap artist too. I just paid a fictusious business name and in my business includes a movie studio and be prepared to b inspired where people like us tell of all things we struggle with to inspired other over come there disabilities and overcome what they been through so we can prevent suicide and prevent crime
I would b honor if u don’t mind playing in my movies because we both understand each other because we live and overcome being bullied. U will always have the leading role and u don’t have to audition I just picked a character for uband u just started rehearsal the lines for that character and I am in Bakersfield California
I’m still waiting JDF to sign a contract to wrestle Brysin Scott at Laredo Wrestling Alliance