With Zedd powered up and all sorts of chaos going on across the galaxy, how will our Mighty Morphin Power Rangers handle this new threat?
Facing Evil Face to Face

Grace is astonished by Zedd having a morpher and is damn near unstoppable. Where on the other end of the galaxy, Xi is starting to interrogate Alpha 1. Meanwhile, Trini is having second thoughts about the measure that they should interrogate Alpha-1.

Bro Fight!!!

Kim and Tommy have a chat off the page and that leads Tommy to need to blow off some stream. How does a martial artist do that? Big sparring match at the juice bar duh! But in typical fashion Rita attacks but this time with HER GREEN RANGER!

Kimberly is beside herself the frustration of the situation, and it is weighing on her, and the only thing that can help it. Space Kitty SNUGS!
We have two attacks happening at the same time. Zedd at the Prometheus and Matt and the Putties in Angel Grove. Jason gets knocked out while Billy teleports in and he and Tommy try and double-team Matt. The whole time Matt is going goading them on to fight and just when you think Matt has the upper hand Kimberly and Aisha make it back in time as a backup.
While Zedd is wreaking havoc on Grace’s facility. Mistress Vile with her new minion vessel shows up and crashes the party. Mistress Vile chooses not to get her hands dirty and orders Vessel to attack Zedd. During the fight, we find out that Vessel is ZORDON! Well, at least his body, and this shocks Zedd.
Alpha-1 didn’t know when to shut up so Xi found out a bunch of information including the fact that there is still something going on. We got to see it in the pages, but this is where I’m going to stop so you can enjoy the twist ending.
Thoughts from THE GRID
Wow, this issue jumped all over, but that’s okay! There are so many spinning plates, and Misty Flores works at a mind-boggling pace to keep them all up. It’s all coming to fruition right now. I mentioned before that issue 106 was the top of the rollercoaster hill with the big Morphed Zedd reveal. I would say this issue just pushed the hill a little bit further… AND I’M HERE FOR IT! Seeing Flores’ style I can guarantee a most excellent and satisfying payoff!
She recognizes that the teens are still teens, not just soldiers in a long-running intergalactic saga. Filling those panels with real emotion and not just a monster-of-the-week A to B to C story. Continuing the Zack and Trini unrequited love story. Tommy missing his brother in arms, Jason. I hope we get back to the Aisha and Adam dynamic soon too.
For me, I think Kimberly has been the stand-out. She’s still going thru the feelings of her parent’s divorce and the breadcrumbs that Mat Groom sprinkled before issue #100, with the concern about “what are we fighting for” and “will I make a difference” that can compound into a heavy feeling of inadequacy. But she did get Yale snuggles, and I’m SUPER JEALOUS
Getting confirmation that Vessel is Zordon’s physical body is such a great spin on the lore. I’m intrigued by how this is going to play out in the long run. Adding something like this after the Eltarian War and Zedd’s backstory adds a whole new layer. It makes me feel for Zedd in a particular way, Having been used as a pawn in the past to then see his friend (in some form) also used as a pawn in his ex’s nefarious schemes.
Covered like Spandex

Both the Clark and Corona Covers are available at your LCS as Incentive Full Art covers.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers RECHARGED Vol 1
Also out today is the FIRST of the trades for the RECHARGED ERA! Covering the amazing double issue #100 by Ryan Parrott and transitioning into Misty Flores’ run. Typically trades have more issues but you have to remember that 100 was an extended issue recombining both the MIGHTY MORPHIN and POWER RANGERS series back together. Don’t forget the glorious artwork gallery included with the soft cover special.

BOOM! Studios continue to celebrate the Rangers’ 30th Anniversary as prolific Power Rangers storyteller Melissa Flores (Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, Radiant Pink) and acclaimed writer, media personality, and voice of the HyperForce Pink Ranger in the HyperForce RPG, Meghan Camarena (Radiant Pink, Radiant Black), along with artist Federico Sabbatini (Moon Knight, The Dead Lucky) and colorist Bryan Valenza (Witchblade, Ghost Rider), bring the fan-favorite HyperForce Rangers from the beloved TTRPG web-series to the page–for their first dedicated full-length story since their morphinominal first season in the POWER RANGERS UNLIMITED: HYPERFORCE one-shot!
Mistress Vile, formerly known as Rita Repulsa, and Dark Specter have invaded the Morphin Grid! As the dark contagion spreads and puts the Rangers in their most vulnerable state yet, the HyperForce Rangers will have to scour the multiverse for as many unexpected allies as they can, while they’re pushed to their limits…
What a great time to be a Power Rangers fan!
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