Power Ranger Team-ups are one of the things all Power Ranger fans love. Two team teamups to all Red Ranger team-ups like Forever Red. The fan service of seeing multiple rangers on screen together is a major staple for Power Rangers.

So imagine to our surprise when we get to see some familiar faces make their way back to New Zealand. Many Dino Charge Rangers have made their way back to suit up one more time for a very fun team up on Power Rangers Beast Morphers in 2020.
We have seen Yoshi Sudarso, Brennan Mejia and Davi Santos in New Zealand. This definitely furthers many fans speculation on Power Rangers adapting the Super Sentai Dino team reunion.

Earlier Austin St John was confirmed to appear on Power Rangers finally after not being seen since 2001’s Forever Red episode. Many fans are super excited to see him come back.
Jezzer forever red was in 2002 not 2001 wildforce aired in 2002 time force 2001