Earlier this year, Critical Role released their first music album. And now they have a new album out.
Entitled “Welcome To Wildemount,” this new album includes 20 new tracks all inspired by Campaign 2. The team at Hexany Audio once again worked on this album.
CR’s Senior Producer Maxwell James said:
Thanks to the Critters and the successful reception of Welcome to Tal’Dorei, we were able to continue that journey. Critical Role Campaign 2 and the continent of Wildemount are tonally so different from Campaign 1 and Tal’Dorei, and it was important to us that tone was reflected in the album. The album is an audio journey through the peaks and valleys of adventure. Some songs bring you into Wildemount as a whole, but others are stand-out hero tracks for specific moments and characters in Campaign 2.
We are so grateful to have been able to work with these incredible composers again on our follow up album about Wildemount!

Omar Fadel, who also worked on the album, said:
Crafting the musical landscape of Critical Role was an incredibly fulfilling process because the team specifically wanted a sound that was off the beaten path. This afforded me the opportunity to take some musical risks by combining instruments and styles that don’t typically co-mingle.
A great example of this is “Rise of Uk’otoa” an epic orchestra, combined with tribal percussion, strummed dulcimers, and sea shanty type vocals. On paper it shouldn’t work, but it does! And going through the process of figuring out how to stick the square peg in the round hole was so rewarding. I can’t wait for all of the Critters to hear this new album!
“Welcome to Wildemount” Track List
- “Welcome to Wildemount”- Colm McGuinness
- “Stroll Through Nicodranas”- Omar Fadel
- “Reefs of Darktow”- Omar Fadel
- “The Amber Road”- Omar Fadel
- “The Luxon”- Omar Fadel
- “Trouble at the Docks”- Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Passage to Xhorhas”- Omar Fadel
- “Back to the Blooming Grove”- Steven Grove (Hexany Audio)
- “Smoke Fills the Room”- Colm McGuinness
- “The Volstruckers”- Colm McGuinness
- “The Crownsguard”- Omar Fadel
- “The Aurora Watch”- Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Echoes of Aeor”- Omar Fadel
- “At the Gates of Bazzoxan”- Omar Fadel
- “Orphanmaker”- Colm McGuinness
- “The Hag’s Hovel” – Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Rise of Uk’otoa”- Omar Fadel
- “Above the Living Rooftops”- Colm McGuinness
- “Neo-Somnovem Incarnate”- Colm McGuinness
- “Hupperdook Tavern”- Omar Fadel
Where To Download The New Critical Role Album
The new album is available to download from a few different places including:
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