Professional artist Lee Bermejo took to Instagram to express his feelings towards the MCU Spider-Man costume in Far From Home and posted his own art for comparison. Marvel Studio’s Spider-Man: Far From Home is set to release on July 2nd. Spider-Man: Far From Home follows Peter in Europe on vacation following Avengers: Endgame. That’s when Nick Fury recruits Spider-Man to help Mysterio fight the Elementals.
Lee Bermejo is an award-winning artist best known for his work at DC and most recently, Batman: Damned. His art is detailed and beautiful. It’s full of depth and ambiance. Bermejo can really work with values of deep blacks and highlights.

Lee Bermejo weighs in on MCU Spider-Man
Although Bermejo is best known for his work at DC, he has worked at Marvel a few times. He’s also drawn Spider-Man. So, when it comes to creating Spider-Man costumes, Bermejo is no stranger.

So, on Friday morning, on the cusp of Spider-Man Far From Home’s premiere, Bermejo took an opportunity to share one of his Spider-Man illustrations on Instagram and take a jab at the MCU’s version.
Real spider-men don’t let their movie versions get a costume from Iron Man. They make it themselves at their Aunt’s place in queens.”
Lee Bermejo on the MCU’s Spider-Man
Many creators were quick to agree with Bermejo, and some took it a little further, noting that Uncle Ben had been replaced.

Marvel chose to skip Spider-Man’s origin, feeling that it had been told too recently in Sony’s reboot. Since Spider-Man’s appearance in the MCU in Civil War, many fans have been wondering when and if Peter will ever mention his uncle. Peter has referenced his influence to become Spider-Man, but has never directly talked about his Uncle Ben. Tony Stark has taken on mentorship in his place.
One of the fundamentals of Spider-Man is he is constantly broke and alone. Peter is the every-man. Someone, we can all see ourselves as, but in the MCU, he has a fancy suit from Tony Stark with a lot of technology. He also has other superheroes, a friend, and now his Aunt May that knows his secret identity. He doesn’t have the same level of burden he does in the comics.

Fans and professionals alike feel Tony Stark has overshadowed Uncle Ben and changed the dynamic of what made Spider-Man relatable. Do you agree?
Definitely! I agree 100% and I’m glad people are finally talking about it.
As someone who’s not really a fan of Iron Man, I feel his presence is way forced in the MCU. Yeah, his movie started all, but… enough is enough. There are other characters just as beloved as Iron Man that have been sidelined. Let them shine and let Tony Stark rest.
The fact that there hasn’t been a meaningful mention of Uncle Ben is insulting. I grew up with the cartoons and I need Uncle Ben and Aunt May to be important. Can’t believe Tony Stark is more important than them to MCU’s Peter.
The MCU’s Peter Parker is Iron Lad + (the poor man’s) Miles Morales. He’s no Spidey. And it’s a shame, because the cast is perfect. They’d be the characters they’re supposed to play if they were given a proper script.